Hold Me (Liz&Maddison) - Request ★

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This is another Maddison/Liz chapter. I hope I do this ship justice! Enjoy :)

Maddison's POV

I'm out for drinks with all the cast, except Liz.

"I still can't believe your pants ripped in the finale." Elaine laughs to Adam.

"It was so embarrassing!" Adam says.

"You gave all the extras a show, that's for sure." Grant chuckles.

"Wardrobe mishaps are always the worst." Eliza says.

"Or sound mistakes." I say and she nods.

"And they're never the actors' fault, ya know." Sam A says.

"Alright, next round is on me." Daniella says.

"Are you sure?" Adam asks.

"Yeah!" She nods, standing up.

"I'll help you carry them." Rafael says, following her to the bar.

"So how come Liz isn't here?" Grant asks me.

"I don't know, I thought one of you guys invited her." I say, looking around at the cast.

"I didn't." Sam A says.

"I thought Raf was gonna ask her." Eliza says.

"No, Raf told me that you were asking her." I say.

"Didn't you say you had texted her?" Grant asks Elaine.

"No, I assumed she had already been invited." Elaine says.

"Same here." Sam U says.

"Oh shit." Adam says.

"So no one invited Liz?" I ask.

"No." Everyone says.

"Ah crap." I sigh.

"She's gonna be so pissed when she finds out." Sam A says.

"Maybe she won't mind." Grant says.

"Come on guys, she's gonna be upset." Adam says.

Rafael and Daniella walk over with more drinks.

"Who's gonna be upset?" Daniella asks.

"No one invited Liz." Eliza says.

"What?" Daniella asks.

"I know." Elaine nods.

"I thought you said she was busy." Rafael says to me.

"No I told you to check if she was busy!" I exclaim.

"Let's not argue. The bottom line is that Liz wasn't invited and she's going to be upset." Sam U says.

"Maybe she doesn't have to know." Rafael says.

"We've already posted on Insta." Elaine says.

"Has she seen it?" Eliza asks.

"Yeah." Elaine says. "Fuck."

"It's fine, I'll go to her place and apologise on behalf of all of us." I say, standing up and putting my jacket over my shoulders.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Adam offers.

"Thank you, but I'm sure it'll be okay." I smile softly. "Thanks for the drinks!"


I pull up across the drive at Liz's house and run up to the door, then knock on it continuously.

Liz Gillies RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now