Lauren ~ Part 3 (Dynasty)

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Lauren's POV

I'm walking around the kitchen at the manor because we're staying there for a week

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I'm walking around the kitchen at the manor because we're staying there for a week.

"Lauren, what can I get for you?" Mrs Gunnerson asks.

"Um, Mom sent me down here for breakfast but I'm not hungry." I say.

"I will rustle up a fruit salad and some pastries and have them bought to you." Mrs Gunnerson smiles.

"Oh. Okay. Thanks." I walk out.

Sam is in the piano room.

"Shouldn't you be at school?" He asks.

"I should, yes. Mom and Dad are letting me stay off for a while. Apparently it's a mental health break or something." I shrug.

"Cool, you can help me then." Sam says, grabbing my hand and leading me out to the balcony.

"What's all this?" I ask looking at the decorations all over the floor.

"My new job. Some of the staff are off sick so Fallon's paying me to get all of these decorations up in time for her gala tonight."

"Well if im going to be your assistant, technically she should pay me too." I say.

"You have 9 figures in your back account and you've never worked a day in your life. Pass me that balloon." Sam says.

"That's fair. Why aren't you at the hotel?" I ask, handing him one of the balloons.

"Culhane is handling it for the weekend. I'm meant to be on vacation but Amanda and Kirby bailed." Sam explains.

Mom walks outside.

"Lauren, you left this on the floor in the foyer." Mom passes me my phone.

"Oh thanks." I say, putting it on the floor of the balcony.

"I'm going to work but I'm coming back early to get ready for the gala and your Dad will be back any minute with your dress so make sure you don't leave it to the last minute to try it on incase we need to make any adjustments." Mom says.

"All I heard was work, gala and dress." I say.

Mom laughs and kisses my hair.

"I'll be back soon." She walks out.

"So what is the gala tonight actually for?" I ask Sam, tying the ribbons for him to hang up.

"Your Mom is launching a new app for Fallon Unlimited, I think. Jeff helped her out so it's his gala too." Sam explains.

"Right." I say.

"Where's your dress from?" Sam asks.

"No idea. I tell mom a color and a style and two days later a dress appears on my bed." I say and Sam laughs.

Liz Gillies RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now