Stepmom? (Liz&Michael) Part 2 - Request ★

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Delaney's POV
I'm sat in the car with dad, driving to Liz's house.

"I can't believe you're making me do this." I shake my head.

"You're going to have to get over it at some point, Delaney. It's happening." Dad says.

"How can you even say that? Look at every other bitch you've been with. Not one of them even came for dinner and suddenly you're moving in with Liz." I rant.

"What's your point?" Dad sighs.

"Why is it any different for this one?" I ask.

"Because I love Liz. If you gave her a chance, I'm sure you would too." Dad says as we pull up the drive at Liz's house.

"We'll be out of here in a month." I say, getting my bag and stepping out of the car.

"Come on, Delaney. Be realistic." Dad rolls his eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry. A week." I correct myself.

Liz is stood at the front door, smiling at us.

"Do you want a hand with the rest of the boxes?" Liz asks.

"Not from you." I mutter.

"What happened to the removal guys?" Dad asks, carrying a box to the door.

"They left ten minutes ago. Everything's in the house for you both." Liz says, taking the boxes from Dad as he walks them to the house.

"Where's all my stuff?" I ask, following Dad into the house.

"The furniture is already in your bedroom but I've left all of your personal things outside the door." Liz says.

"Good." I walk upstairs.

I start unpacking my boxes and trying to make my bedroom feel more homely, if that's possible. The door knocks.

"Come in." I say.

Liz walks in.

"Oh." I say.

"Sorry to disappoint. Do you want a drink? Or a snack maybe?" Liz asks.

"Maybe a vodka and coke to get me through this bullshit." I mutter.

"Once you're 21 I'll have no problem getting you that." Liz smiles.

"If you're still around by then, that is." I say.

"Well we'll just have to see, won't we. Until then, there's soda and pretzels downstairs incase you change your mind." Liz says before walking out.


I finally finish organising my bedroom. Dad walks in.

"Woah, looks great in here." Dad smiles.

"Not as good as it looked at home." I groan.

"This is home, now." Dad says.

"This house will never be home." I say quickly.

"Give it time, Delaney." Dad says.

"Whatever. What's that?" I ask, pointing to the gift bag in his hand.

"It's for you, from Liz. Not that you deserve it." Dad says.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Open it and see for yourself." Dad says, handing me the bag.

Inside is a selection of my favourite snacks and beauty products.

"What's this for?" I ask.

"Read the card, kid." Dad chuckles.

Liz Gillies RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now