This Wasn't Planned (Liz&Michael) - Request ★

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Liz's POV
I walk into Michael and I's bedroom after showering.

"Hey babe. Nice shower?" Michael asks from where he's sat in bed watching a movie.

"Lovely." I say, tying my robe around my waist.

"I was going to join you but the water was hotter than satan's ass." Michael says and I laugh.

I sit on the bed next to him with Otis on my legs.

"You're all fidgety. Are you doing okay?" Michael asks me, putting the TV on mute.

"Umm, no." I say, looking down at my hands.

"Do you want to talk?" Michael offers, turning the TV off completely.

"Uh, yeah." I nod, shifting closer to him and holding both his hands in mine.

"You're shaking." Michael notices, drawing patterns on the back of my hand with his thumb.

"I know." I breathe out slowly.

"You can take your time, Liz." Michael says softly.

"I'm just gonna get it out." I say quickly.

"Okay." Michael nods.

"I know the last couple of times we spoke about having children, you weren't really very forthcoming. Has anything changed since then?" I ask.

"Not really. If it had I would have told you. Why?" Michael asks.

"Ohh, mkay that makes this a whole lot harder." I say mostly to myself.

"Makes what harder?" Michael asks.

"Can you really not see where I'm going with this?" I ask.

"No." Michael shrugs.

"Michael I'm pregnant." I rush out.

It's silent for a minute.

"Please say something." I beg, tugging on his hands.

"Ummmm." Michael starts.

"I know you've told me a ton of times before that you're not ready and you're not even sure you want kids." I say slowly.

"Yeahhhhh." Michael says, still in shock.

"It was an accident." I say.

"It's my fault too." Michael says.

"Either way, we made a baby." I state.

"And I'm assuming you want to keep it?" Michael asks.

"Yes." I say shyly.

"I'm not going to stop you." Michael says.

"'re staying, right? You're not leaving me...are you?" I ask slowly.

"No, of course not! I may not be ready for kids but I have nine months to prepare. I'll be with you the whole time, babe." Michael says, kissing my hand.

"You're amazing. I love you so much, Michael." I smile.

"I love you too. And our little baby." Michael smiles.

Timeskip - 6 Months Later

I'm in the home office finishing up a few emails. Michael walks in.

"Where have you been all morning?" I ask, turning on the chair to face him.

"Okay, I know you said to stop buying baby clothes but I could not resist." Michael grins, handing me a brown paper bag.

I pull out two onesies.

Liz Gillies RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now