Arguments (Liz&Michael) - Request ★

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Liz storms in through the front door of the house after slamming her car door shut, Michael only a few paces behind her.

She carelessly throws her jacket at one of the couches as she walks through the living room.

"Please don't throw things." Michael says, locking the front door after him and watching as she tosses one of her heels into the kitchen island.

"I'll do what I like." Liz sasses, making direct eye contact with him as she throws her other heel to the refrigerator.

"That's mature." Michael says sarcastically.

"Shut up." Liz spits.

"What's gotten into you today? I know I pissed you off but you're just going on a tear." Michael huffs, watching as she drops her purse to the floor and kicks it across the room.

"Why can't you just get over it?" Liz snaps.

"It's not that simple." Michael says.

"I said what I said." Liz shrugs.

"This is exactly what I mean, Liz! Do you even know half of the things you said tonight?" Michael asks.

"Of course I do!" Liz hisses.

"Well do you realise how much they hurt me?" Michael asks.

"Fucking hell Michael! I apologised! What more do you want?" Liz yells.

Ordinarily, it would be unusual for Liz to yell but in this situation, Michael had been waiting around an hour for her to completely explode and start yelling. Until that point, it had all been hushed swear words and angry sighs.

"I am so mad at you, Michael." Liz seethes.

"Why? Because I called you out and you didn't like it?" Michael asks.

"Why are you talking to me like I'm a spoilt child?!" Liz exclaims.

"Because you're acting like one." Michael says somewhat calmly considering his wife was yelling at him.

"You're still holding a grudge." Liz shakes her head, tongue in cheek as she attempts to control herself.

"You upset me, Liz." Michael says, trying hard to reason with her.

"For fuck sake, Michael. I said I was sorry!" Liz yells.

"I appreciate that you're sorry. But it doesn't make up for everything." Michael tells her.

"That's exactly what saying sorry does!" Liz exclaims.

"Liz, some of the things you said to me were really hurtful." Michael says lowly.

He watches as Liz looks down at her feet, arms hanging loosely at her sides and eyes no longer frozen in an icy blue glare. She's silent, and Michael wonders if it's because she knows he's right.

"You embarrassed me in front of our friends, Liz." Michael says quietly, stepping a few feet closer to her to make sure she can hear him clearly, not wanting to shout but also wanting her to know how he's feeling.

She scoffs, clearly now feeling embarrassed herself although she picks her eyes up off the floor and slowly drags her gaze up his chest and to his face, eyes stormy with conflict.

Liz opens her mouth to speak, perhaps to defend herself but decides against it.

"Just because you make more money than me, doesn't mean you're better at your job than me." Michael says quietly, repeating her earlier statement that cut into him the deepest.

Guilt flashes across her face in an instant.

Unsure of what to say, Liz opens her arms out and wraps them lovingly around his torso, laying her head on his chest.

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