I'm So Sick Of Myself (Firby) - Request ★

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So this book hit 14K... CRAZY! Thank you to everyone for reading, voting and commenting. This is a short but fluffy Firby chapter. This is set around season 3 time when Fallon owned her publishing company. Enjoy :)

Fallon's POV
I'm in my office when Allison knocks on the door before walking in.

"What?" I sigh.

"Miss Carrington, I've got, uh, those employee reviews you, umm, you asked for." Allison says.

"Thank you. Just leave them on the table." I say.

"Right away." Allison says before dropping all the papers on the floor.

I take a deep breath.

"Get out." I say quietly.

"Sorry?" Allison asks.

"I said get out!" I yell.

Allison quickly leaves.

"And close the door!" I yell.


I've finished a meeting and I'm walking down the stairs to my office when Kirby runs up to me.

"Hey." I smile.

"You look happy to see me." Kirby grins.

"After the morning I've had, I am extremely happy to see you." I say, quickly kissing her.

"Aw." Kirby coos.

"That's not, for me, is it?" I ask, looking at the coffee and muffin in her hand.

"It is." Kirby says, laughing as I take it from her and drink a huge sip of the coffee.

"I so needed this." I moan, biting into the muffin.

"You sound way more stressed out that usual." Kirby says as we walk into my office.

"Yep." I sigh, sitting in my chair.

"What's going on?" Kirby asks, pulling over a chair to sit opposite me at my desk.

"What isn't going on would be a better question." I say, opening my laptop.

Allison knocks on the door.

"Miss Carrington, there's someone here to see you." Allison says.

"Send them in." I say.

"Of course." Allison nods, tripping over the trash can on her way out.

"I'm going to kill that woman." I groan.

"Deep breaths. She's the best assistant you've ever had." Kirby reminds me, playing with my hand.

"Sammy-Jo was better. And that's something I never thought I'd say." I say and Kirby laughs.

We lean forward and kiss passionately.


We break apart.

"Liam?" I exclaim, shocked, standing up from my desk. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I was about to ask you the same question." Liam says. "You look good."

"Wish I could say the same." I say.

"Excuse me?" Liam asks.

"Kirby, would you give us a minute?" I ask and Kirby gawks at me before strutting out.

"So, you and, umm. You and Kirby are, yep." Liam stutters.

"Yes, we are. Got a problem with that?" I snap.

"No problem at all." Liam says.

"Glad that's settled." I say. "Now what do you want from me?"

"This publishing house is meant to be publishing my new book." Liam says.

"Ohh, I think you mean my publishing house." I smirk.

"What? You don't know the first thing about publishing, Fallon!" Liam exclaims.

"I know more about publishing than you know about keeping a girlfriend." I say.

"Look, I don't care how you feel about me. Just publish my book and I'll be on my way." Liam says.

"You're missing the point. I have no interest in reading, buying or publishing your stupid book." I spit.

"It's not stupid!" Liam exclaims.

"Then why are no other publishing company's contacting you?" I ask.

"You're being a child." Liam says.

"I'm being a child? You're the one writing books about fairytales of love." I say.

"It's not like that! And if you had read it, you of all people would understand that." Liam frowns.

"Knowing your writing skills, I'd be shocked if I could understand much beyond the first page." I smirk.

"Maybe that's down to your poor education or lack of. Perhaps you should have spent your college years studying instead of sleeping around like the two faced bitch I know you truly are." Liam spits.

"How dare you." I glare at him as I stand up from my chair.

"I'm only speaking truths." Liam shrugs.

"Well you can take those so called 'truths' and shove them right up your ass, along with that shitty book of yours because Liam, there is not a chance in hell that I'm even considering publishing it." I say.

"Fine. That's no problem. But don't act surprised when you're hearing from my agent about this." Liam says.

"I will look forward to his call." I smile sarcastically.

"See you soon." Liam says.

"Great. Now get out of my office." I say, watching as he leaves the room before slouching back in my chair.

I put my head in my hands and groan.

Kirby walks in.

"What was that all about?" Kirby asks.

"Nothing really." I say.

"Didn't sound like nothing to me." Kirby murmurs.

"What's the matter?" I ask.

"I'm fine." Kirby says quietly.

"Are you lying to me?" I ask.

"No." Kirby says.

"Alright, what's really going on?" I ask.

"Nothing, you just, seemed to be talking with Liam for a while." Kirby says, looking away from my eyes.

"Kirby, are you jealous?" I smile.

"No!" Kirby pouts.

"You're adorable." I laugh, standing up and walking abound my desk.

I wrap my arms around her waist.

"You think so?" Kirby asks.

"Oh, baby. I love you, and only you." I say, kissing her.

"I love you too." Kirby smiles.

"Liam means nothing to me, do you hear me? Nothing. All I need is to find a way of not publishing his book and then we can get rid of him from our lives forever." I say.

"I like the sound of that." Kirby smiles.

"I thought you might." I laugh.

"How about we..."

Liz Gillies RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now