Upset (Liz) - Request ★

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This is set in the Victorious era. This story is completely fictional. Enjoy :)

Liz's POV
I'm sat in my dressing room scrolling through Twitter. Ariana walks in.

"Dingus, do you wanna stay at my place tonight?" Ariana asks.

"Yeah sure. I'll text my Mom." I say.

"Frankie's home so I thought we could do a live chat on Twitter or something and then order food and watch American Horror Story." Ariana says.

"Sounds perfect." I nod, putting down my phone.

"Oh my god, Avan said he's going to this huge party this Saturday and he's gonna invite the cast to go with him." Ariana says.

"You're too much of a lightweight for that kinda thing." I smirk.

"Excuse me! I can have at least three vodka and cola shots before I'm even tipsy." Ariana protests.

"You keep telling yourself that, lil' Ari." I smile.

"Well anyway, I really think we should go." Ariana says, sitting on the couch next to me.

"I've got nothing to wear." I say.

"We can go on a shopping trip!" Ariana squeals.

"Did Avan say anything else?" I ask, playing with the cushion in my lap.

"He mentioned something about his girlfriend but that was it." Ariana shrugs.

"Hmm." I hum.

"Oh, Liz. I know you like him." Ariana says, putting her arm around me.

"Nah, it's cool. It's chill. I don't care." I say.

"I think you do." Ariana says.

"It's fine. I'm done talking about it." I say.

"Alright. You wont believe what the writers said to me this morning." Ariana smiles.

"What did they say?" I ask.

"So pretty much they were just flattering me and the producers were talking with Dan about upping my screen time." Ariana says excitedly.

"That's such good news! I'm so proud of you." I smile.

"Thanks. I heard them mention your name earlier." Ariana grins.

"Oh, yeah." I say.

"What was that about?" Ariana asks, playfully poking me in the shoulder.

"Nothing important." I shrug.

"What was it?" Ariana grins.

"Seriously, it was nothing." I say.

"Tell me!" Ariana giggles, climbing on my lap.

"Oh my god! Ari, get off!" I laugh, trying to push her away.

"Not until you tell me what the writers talked to you about." Ariana smiles.

"I told you, it wasn't important." I say.

"Come on. Why won't you tell me?" Ariana whines, hitting my shoulder.

"Because it doesn't matter." I say, getting annoyed.

"Talk to me, Liz!" Ariana pouts.

"Stop." I say quietly.

"What? Just tell me." Ariana says.

"No." I whisper.

"Why not?" Ariana asks.

"It's not relevant." I say through gritted teeth.

Liz Gillies RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now