She Isn't Responding (Liz) - Request ★

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So it's pretty short, with a *TRIGGER WARNING* for blood and injury, though it isn't explicit. Enjoy :)

Liz's POV
Adam, Grant, Maddison and I are filming a scene. I've done this type of scene a thousand times before but something feels off.

I forget my line and we have to re start the scene.

"Take 2. Action." The director calls.

I start feeling dizzy.

"Are you okay, Liz?" Grant asks me, instantly breaking character.

I reach my hand out to rest on the couch behind me but I trip on the edge of the rug. I fall and hear glass smashing, I see glass smashing.

Then I see blood. Lots of it. All

"Oh shit!" Adam yells, falling to his knees next to me.

"Someone get a medic!" Grant shouts.

"Where's her PA?" Maddison screams.

My eyes are fluttering and my eye sight is hazy but I can hear everything perfectly.

"You're gonna be alright." Adam says, taking my hand.

I know.

"Where is the damn PA?" Maddison screams again.

"We're here." One of the PA's say, rushing over with two others.

"Are there no medics on this set?" Grant asks, annoyed.

"There are no first aiders here today, they're off sick." Another PA says.

Of course they are.

"But someone dialled 911 and the paramedics are on their way." The director says.

"Can we clear the set please." A PA asks.

I can just about see some of the camera crew leave and all of the extras.

"We need to hold something against her stomach. She's loosing a lot of blood." Maddison says.

"Here. Adam hold that against her midsection." Grant says, handing Adam his suit jacket.

"Does it hurt?" Adam asks, pressing it on my stomach.

Like a bitch.

"Liz, can you hear us?" Grant asks.


"I don't think she can." Maddison says.

I can!

"Don't panic." Adam says.

I hear sirens and soon I can feel paramedics at my side.

"Elizabeth, can you talk to us?" Someone asks.


"Where are you?"

On set.

"She isn't responding." Another person says while dressing the wounds.

"Let's give her a dose of morphine." Someone says and I feel a sharp prick in my shoulder, followed by something flowing into my veins and numbing me all over.

Suddenly I'm being lifted up and onto something. All I can hear is the sirens again and people talking.

"Elizabeth, can you hear me?"

Yes. I can hear all of you.


I'm here.

I'm suddenly hit by warmth as I'm taken outside.

I can see the blue flashing lights behind my eyelids as my eyes begin to fall shut.

"Liz, stay with us!"

My muscles ache and my back and stomach scream out in pain as I'm covered in even more of my own blood.

"We need to be fast."

"She's gone."

Everything goes black.

Liz Gillies RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now