Insomnia (Liz&Michael) - Request ★

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Liz's POV
I'm lying in bed with Michael, staring at the ceiling. Once I'm sure he's asleep, I carefully slip out of bed.

"Hun?" Michael asks.

"I thought you were asleep." I say.

"No offence, but how could I be asleep with you shifting around every ten seconds?" Michael chuckles, sitting up.

"I'm sorry." I apologise, looking down.

"It's okay, love. What do you need?" Michael asks, reaching for my hand.

"I don't even know at this point." I sigh.

"You're exhausted, Liz." Michael says, pushing my hair behind my ear.

"You think I don't know that? Michael, I'm living off three hours of sleep every day, and that's if I'm lucky." I rant.

"I'm sorry, babe. I don't know what to suggest. Do you want some warm tea?" Michael asks, getting out of bed.

"Sure." I agree, getting back into bed.

"Don't turn on the TV while I'm gone. I'll only be a few minutes." Michael says, walking out.

I try to relax in bed. Otis runs in through the open bedroom door.

"Hi baby!" I smile, helping him up to the bed. "My beautiful puppy!"

I'm fussing him when I hear Michael yell downstairs.


A couple seconds later, Lucy runs in and jumps on the bed.

"Hi pretty girl!" I smile, playing with her ears.

Otis barks loudly.

"Excuse me. No thank you. We don't bark because we're jealous." I tell him.

He nuzzles my hand with his nose.

"I know. I love you too." I kiss his head.

Lucy climbs into my lap. I take a picture of myself and the dogs.

"See? We can all co exist and not kill each other. Sweet babies. I love you." I smile.

Michael walks in with two mugs and a packet of cookies.

"You're going to make a fantastic mom one day." Michael smiles, handing me a mug of tea.

"Is that a hint?" I ask with a small smirk.

"Not a conversation for right now." Michael says, kissing my head.

"Why not?" I ask.

"Because you can't sleep as it is. You don't need a long deep conversation to keep you any more awake." Michael chuckles, sitting in bed next to me and the dogs.

"You've freaked me out now." I say.

"We can talk tomorrow, okay." Michael says, holding my free hand in my lap.

"Are you tired?" I ask.

"A little. Why?" Michael asks.

"I'm obviously keeping you awake so I'll go sleep in the guest room and then you can get to sleep." I say, moving to stand up.

"Hey, you're not going anywhere. We don't sleep apart even when we're fighting." Michael says, wrapping his arm around my waist and gently pulling me back to bed.

"I don't want to keep you awake, Michael." I say.

"We're getting through it together. You don't need to worry." Michael says, kissing me.

I cuddle into his arms.

"Did you put sugar in this?" I ask him, gesturing to my tea.

"No, sugar isn't good for you at night." Michael says.

"Well yeah but it tastes good." I say and he laughs.

"Why do the dogs get more bed room than me?" Michael asks.

"Because the dogs are cuter than you." I smirk.

"Wow! Mkay, I see how it is." Michael fakes offence.

"Do you think we should get another dog?" I ask.

"Do you think we have space for another dog?" Michael asks, gesturing to Otis and Lucy curled on the bed.

"Mm. I don't know. It's something to think about." I say.

"This is why you can't sleep. You've got all these ideas that you're thinking about." Michael says.

"I'm always thinking." I say.

"And that's how we ended up with an RV." Michael chuckles and I playfully hit his chest.

"I'm tired." I yawn.

"Let's settle down." Michael says, putting our empty mugs down on his bedside table.

I lie down with my head on his chest, closing my eyes as he plays with my hair.

"I feel like I could fall asleep but there's so much shit in my head." I tell him.

"Like what?" Michael asks.

"Did I put the laundry on? Did I turn the stove off? Should I have ordered the groceries with express shipping? When is my next meeting with my publicist? Do I need to ask my agent for more auditions? Do I have time to be working on music? What are we gonna have for dinner tomorrow?"

"Babe, love, Liz, you do not have to worry about all of those things. There isn't enough space in your head for that." Michael kisses my head.

"Being an adult is hard." I say.

"I know." Michael says softly.

"Why does no one warn you about all this when you turn 21?" I ask and Michael laughs.

"You need to relax." Michael says.

"How?" I ask, annoyed.

His hands go from my hair down to my shoulders.

"Liz, you are so tense. My god." Michael murmurs, gently massaging my shoulders.

"Ow!" I exclaim.

"I'm sorry but you have like five knots all in one spot." Michael comments, rubbing circles into my left shoulder blade.

"I don't even know what those are from." I sigh.

My phone pings for the seventh time that hour.

"Put your phone on silent, Liz." Michael says and I do.

"I already feel relaxed. No one can contact me." I smile.

"I love to turn my phone off." Michael says.

"I'm still not sleepy enough to fall asleep." I say.

"I'll turn out the hallway light." Michael says.

"I can go." I offer, sitting up.

"You stay here. Stop trying to do everything for everyone." Michael chuckles, gently pushing me back down in bed making me laugh.

Eventually, we're both cuddled in bed.

"I think I could fall asleep." I yawn, closing my eyes.

"Yeah?" Michael asks.

"Mhm." I nod.

"Goodnight. I love you." Michael says.

"Love you." I murmur, settling deeper into his arms.

Liz Gillies RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now