Maya (Liz)

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Maya's POV
I've been cast for a season of a sitcom to play the teenage step daughter of a character played by Liz Gillies. I'm on set waiting to film our second scene of the day when the assistant director walks up to me.

"Hi." I smile.

"Maya, we need you to better your performance today. You're not at your best and it affects the rest of the cast, the crew, and the schedule. Step it up." The AD snaps at me.

"Sorry, I know. I've got a stomach pain and-" I try.

"I don't want your sob story, I want some at least half decent coverage from you for once." The AD rolls his eyes and walks away.

I sigh to myself and pick up my script.

"Don't listen to them. You've been a rockstar today." Liz says walking up to me.

"Thanks." I say quietly.

"Honestly, I've never worked with a kid your age who is even a fraction as good as you are, Maya." Liz says, wrapping her arm over my shoulders.

"Oh, thank you." I blush but then clutch my stomach in pain.

"Are you okay?" Liz asks.

"Yeah, fine." I nod, lying.

"Alright. Hopefully we'll be finished early today." Liz says.

"Why?" I ask confused.

"It's Friday." Liz says.

"So?" I ask, still confused.

"So... people will want to get home earlier than usual. I thought you said you've been on other film and TV sets before?" Liz frowns.

"I have, just, not with adults who actually talk to the kid actors." I say and Liz laughs.

"I understand that first hand." Liz rolls her eyes.

My stomach is starting to hurt more so I must be hungry.

"When do we get our next break this morning?" I ask Liz.

Liz shrugs.

"Your guess is as good as mine, kiddo." She says.

"Damn." I sigh.

"You hungry?" Liz asks.

"Very." I nod.

"At least it won't be just my stomach rumbling then." Liz says and I laugh.


We're filming our second scene of the morning but I keep messing up.

"Maya, it's still your line." The AD shouts.

"I know. I can't remember the first part." I say nervously.


"Sorry." I murmur, looking over my script.

"We are all waiting on you, Maya. Every second we waste costs us a dollar, and you are wasting a lot of seconds." The AD says.

I go to apologise but Liz cuts in.

"Jesus, cut her some slack! The girl's 15!" Liz yells.

"Thanks." I say and she smiles.

"We're still rolling." The director huffs at me.

"I remember the line now. I'm sorry." I apologise again, handing back the script.

"Take your mark." The AD says.

"Where's my mark?" I ask.

"Oh my god!" The director yells, clearly annoyed.

"You're right there, sweetie. Toes against the blue tape." Liz points and I stand at my mark a few feet away from her.

Liz Gillies RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now