I Thought I Recognised You (Liz&OC) - Request ★

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Liz's POV
I'm in New Jersey visiting my parents because they want me to look through some boxes of my childhood possessions.

I see my Dad in the garage.

"Dad!" I smile running and hugging him.

"Hi Liz! We've missed you so much." He smiles.

"I missed you too. Where's Mom?" I ask.

"Right here." Mom smiles walking outside and hugging me tightly.

"Hi Mom." I say smiling.

"Hi Darling. It's been so long." She says.

"I know. It's been crazy at work but I'm here now." I say.

"You're staying?" They both ask at the same time.

"Just for a week. I thought that would be okay." I say.

"Of course it's okay. We haven't touched your bedroom." Mom says.

"There's still that Harry Styles poster on the ceiling." Dad teases.

"You mean you didn't turn my bedroom into a gym or anything?" I ask and they laugh.

"Of course not." Mom smiles.

"Your brother should be here in a minute. I think he went out to pick up soda or something." Dad says.

"Okay, well I'll get started on these boxes then." I say.

Mom goes back inside and I sit on the floor of the garage starting to open a box.

"There's some old school books in there. You know, a few of the ones you didn't burn." Dad says smirking.

"Can you blame me? Who needs math?" I ask and he laughs.

"Apparently math is actually quite useful." I hear from behind me.

I turn around and see my brother George.

"George!" I say jumping up and hugging him.

"Hi big sis." He grins.

"Did you miss me?" I ask.

"Well it's quieter without you, so no." He says and I laugh.

"I bet Dad makes up for it." I say.

Mom walks back outside.

"I made you a coffee." She says handing me a mug of coffee.

"Thanks Mom." I smile.

"There's also a box of old stuffed toys in the basement that we need you to look through." She says.

"Okay." I nod, sitting back down and sorting the stuff into piles to throw out and piles to keep.

"I've gotta go drop this to Katie. Did you know she's had a baby?" Dad asks and I gasp.

"No way!" I say.

"A little baby boy. This is a gift for him." Dad says. "I'll be back soon." He says walking down the road.

"I'm gonna start on dinner. Liz, are you still not eating meat?" Mom asks.

"I'll eat a little bit of chicken. But only because you're one of my favourite parents." I smile.

"Aw, that's very sweet." Mom smiles walking inside.

"She falls for that every time, doesn't she?" George laughs.

"Sure does." I say. "What the hell?" I say taking out a child's cinderella dress.

"Aww! Mom has pictures of you running around and singing, wearing that." George says.

Liz Gillies RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now