Blended Family (Liz&Michael)

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In this chapter, Liz and Michael were dating for a short time and then broke up. In that time, they both had a child each and now they're back together, living with their kids. Big up step Dad Michael and step Moma Liz! Enjoy :)

Liz's POV
I'm sat at the kitchen table drinking tea and helping River build her lego fire truck.

"Mommy you do this bit." River says, handing me a huge pile of bricks.

"River!" I exclaim laughing as the bricks fall everywhere.

"I'm playing with the fire person." River says, holding up the Lego mini figure.

"I think you mean the firefighter." I chuckle.

"Potato potarto." River shrugs.

"How much lego do you and Ollie have now?" I ask, building the wheels of the fire truck.

"Nearly a entire city!" River grins.

"I'm proud of you for sharing your lego with him, River." I say proudly.

"It was a smart move, Mommy. We each had a lot of lego separately but together we have even more!" River exclaims.

"I know it's tough for you two at times but Michael and I love you both and we're very impressed with how well you've adjusted and you're getting on just like a brother and sister."

"That's because Ollie is my brother, Mom." River says innocently.

"If you see Ollie as your brother, I am never going to get in the way of that." I kiss River's head and stand up to make more tea.

The front door unlocks and Michael walks in with Ollie.

"Ollie!" River smiles, jumping off her chair and running to hug him.

"Hi, River." Ollie smiles, hugging her back.

"Do I get a hug?" Michael asks.

"Mikey I saw you this morning." River giggles, before hugging Michael.

"Hi Liz." Ollie smiles, hugging me tightly.

"Hey you. How was things at your Mom's?" I ask.

"Still a bit stressful and I always miss you and River when I'm there." Ollie says sadly.

"Aw, bud. You're here now and we'll have a great time together, okay?" I ask, smiling.

"Okay!" Ollie grins before running to look at the Lego fire truck.

"This is my new set. I got it from Mommy for doing good at swimming lessons." River tells him.

"Woah! It's so cool." Ollie says, looking at it.

"It's not finished yet. You can help because Mom is bad at the building part." River says.

"Oi!" I playfully yell.

"But you do funny voices for the characters so we forgive you for being the worst builder ever." Ollie says with a smile.

"How was Melissa?" I ask Michael.

"I think she's pissed that Ollie gets on better with River than he does with his step brother over there." Michael says lowly.

"I understand that she's upset but Oliver shouldn't have to get chewed out about it." I say.

"I've spoken to Melissa but there's not a lot else we can do." Michael says, hugging me.

"Mkay." I say.

"You're doing a great job with this new lifestyle, you know." Michael smiles softly.

"So are you, Michael." I say gently, pulling back and pecking him on the lips.

Liz Gillies RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now