I Love It When We Make Up (Liz&Michael)

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I was listening to a podcast Liz spoke in and she talked about her and Michael's break up before they were engaged. She didn't go into lots of detail but I took the information she gave and made a chapter out of it! It also wasn't specified when their break up was but in an old article somewhere Liz said she was depressed while filming Sex&Drugs&Rock&Roll, so I'm assuming it was then. I'll put the podcast at the top of this chapter above the title in case you're interested. Enjoy :)

Liz's POV
I finish getting ready for the day and walk out of the closet.

"Took you long enough." Michael says.

"I was trying to find an outfit I liked on my body." I say quietly, picking up the clothes I had thrown everywhere.

"What do you mean?" Michael asks.

"I'm feeling a bit insecure lately so it takes me some time to get ready." I tell him.

"You've changed." Michael says.

"I haven't changed, I'm going through a hard time at the minute." I say.

"You never talk to me." Michael mutters.

"You never listen to me." I shoot back.

"I do listen! Stop exaggerating, you're being over dramatic." Michael says.

"I don't like when you say that." I tell him calmly.

"You don't like when I say anything." Michael says.

"That's not true." I say.

"So I'm a liar?" Michael asks.

"When did those words come out of my mouth?" I ask, frustrated.

"I think I'm just going to get some space." Michael sighs, starting to walk out of the bedroom.

"The way you deal with our fights really pisses me off." I admit.

"The fact that we fight pisses me off." Michael says.

"Every couple fights." I roll my eyes.

"Probably not 8 times a week. Not a healthy relationship, at least." Michael says.

"Are you saying we're a toxic relationship?" I ask.

"Don't twist my words." Michael warns.

"Don't talk to me like that." I say, insulted by his tone.

"You don't always talk to me in a nice way." Michael says.

"You're behaving like a child." I say.

"Seriously?" Michael exclaims.

"Yes! And why are you raising your voice?" I ask.

"I feel like you're ignoring me." Michael says.

"That's not a reason to yell!" I exclaim.

"Look who's raising their voice now." Michael rolls his eyes.

"For someone that doesn't like fights you sure know how to start one." I sigh, throwing a pair of my jeans into the closet.

"Why you throwing stuff around?" Michael asks.

"I'm not." I grit out.

"You're really getting on my nerves now, Liz." Michael groans.

"I don't care." I smile sarcastically, chucking a few T-shirts into the wash basket.

"I feel like you take me for granted." Michael says.

"What?!" I yell.

"I think that you assume I'll always be here just to make your life easier!" Michael yells.

Liz Gillies RequestsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora