Coffee (Gigi Rock) - Request ★

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If you've watched Sex & Drugs & Rock and Roll you'll be fine reading this. If you haven't, please know this chapter contains fairly strong language, and yes you guessed it, mentions of sex and drugs. Enjoy :)

Gigi's POV

Davy and I are in the kitchen and I'm watching her try to make breakfast

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Davy and I are in the kitchen and I'm watching her try to make breakfast.

"Gigi, don't take this the wrong way but does your dad buy anything that isn't tequila or cocaine?" Davy asks.

"Sometimes." I hum.

"Does he buy milk?" Davy asks, opening the refrigerator.

"Doesn't look like it." I say.

"So we're having black coffee for breakfast." Davy says, picking up two empty mugs.

"Yeah, there's no coffee either." I say.

"Okay, that's fine. That's totally fine. I've been meaning to cut down on my breakfast food." Davy says and I laugh.

"I'm sorry, I'll go shopping today." I say, wrapping my arms around her waist from behind.

Flash walks in with his guitar.

"Morning." Flash says and I ignore him.

"I want coffee." I say.

"I hate coffee." Flash mutters.

"I love coffee." Davy says.

"Ah me too!" I giggle.

"Twat." Flash mumbles.

"Flash this is Davy. We're lesbians." I say.

Flash clears his throat."Congratulations."

"Davy, this is my boyfriend Flash." I say, putting my hand on Davy's hip.

"Your boyfriend?" Davy asks.

"Sorry, my ex boyfriend." I say.

"What are you doing?" Davy whispers to me.

"I'm waiting for my dad to wake up so I can yell at him for forgetting to buy milk again. Why what are you doing?" I ask.

"I meant what are you doing with Flash?" Davy asks.

"Nothing now." I shrug.

My dad and Ava walk in.

"Hey kids." Dad says, getting a bottle of vodka from the refrigerator.

"It's awkward as shit in here." Ava says, looking around.

"I know right." Dad says, handing Ava a bag of grated cheese.

"What am I supposed to do with this, Johnny?" Ava asks, irritated.

"I don't know it's the only thing in the fridge." Dad shrugs.

"But it's cheese." Ava groans.

"So?" Dad asks.

"It's cheese, Johnny. Cheese. Mother fucking cheese." Ava yells.

"I know it's cheese, Ava. What's the big deal?" Dad asks.

"Jesus H Christ!" Ava groans.

"Are you still doing that vegan thing?" Davy asks her.

"See? Even Gigi's girlfriend knows." Ava whines, throwing the cheese at my dad.

"Holy shit!" Dad yells.

"This is a mess." Flash groans.

"Then go somewhere else." I roll my eyes.

"What's going on with you two?" Dad asks me and Flash.

"Oh my god nothing is going on with me and Flash!" I exclaim.

"Maybe that's the problem." Dad says.

"Ooo is that why it's so uncomfortable in here?" Ava asks me and I nod.

"Is it bad to have frozen spaghetti for breakfast?" Flash asks, opening one of the kitchen cupboards.

"With your crappy diet I'd say so." I smirk.

"Gigi can I see you in the bedroom for a second?" Davy asks, grabbing my hand.

"Fuck yeah you can." I smile, letting her drag me to my bedroom.

Ava winks at me and I giggle as I close the bedroom door.

Davy walks to the other side of the bedroom and when she turns around to face me I've taken my top off and go to start unbuttoning my jeans.

"Oh my god, Gigi." Davy exclaims, covering her face with her hands.

"What?" I ask. "Why won't you look at me?"

"Because if I look I probably won't be able to look away." Davy says, peeking through her hands.

"I don't want you to look away, Davy." I say.

"I didn't mean for us to come in here to have sex." Davy says.

"Oh. Oh shit. Then what did you mean?" I ask, covering myself with my hands.

"We need to talk." Davy says, sitting on the bed.

"About what?" I ask, putting my top back on.

"Everything. About me, about you, about Flash-" I cut her off.

"Flash means nothing to me, Davy. I want you." I say.

"Gigi, I don't think you know what you want." Davy says softly.

"Maybe I don't, but do I need to know?" I ask.

"I like you, Gigi. I really fucking like you. More than I've liked anyone before, actually. But I need to know that this," Davy gestures to us. "Is going somewhere."

"It is. It is going somewhere, I just don't know where." I say.

"Let's take it slow then, yeah?" Davy suggests.

"We had sex the night we met and now we're taking it slow?" I ask laughing.

"You're right. But you need to talk to Flash before we can go any further." Davy says.

"I know, I know. Maybe I still see him as my boyfriend." I say.

"That's why you need to talk to him." Davy says, holding my hand.

"Flash, he's always been there. I like him but there's such a fucking age difference it holds us back." I say.

"You go talk to Flash." Davy says, kissing my hand.

"Or, we could go get waffles." I say. "Oh yeah. I like that idea much better."

"No." Davy says.

"Really?" I pout.

"If you talk to flash we'll go get waffles." Davy says.

"Okay." I say softly.

"Go on. I'll wait in here." Davy says as I walk to the door.

"Doing what?" I ask.

"Exploring." Davy shrugs, opening one of my drawers.

"Ah fuck." I sigh.

Liz Gillies RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now