I Think I Need Therapy (Liz)

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Liz has a 17 year old daughter called Kiera. Kiera's Dad left Liz when the baby was two weeks old and he is now trying to make contact with Keira. Also, because Keira is 17 and in real life Liz is currently 28, we'll say this is a few years in the future. Enjoy :)

Kiera's POVI come downstairs to make lunch and hear Mom on the phone in the other room

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Kiera's POV
I come downstairs to make lunch and hear Mom on the phone in the other room.

"No, I understand. Thank you for letting me know, I'll speak with Keira now." She says and hangs up.

Mom walks into the kitchen.

"I'm still thinking about wether I want to meet your dumb asshole of an ex-boyfriend I'm supposed to call 'Dad', so don't ask me what I've decided to do." I say.

"Calm down, I wasn't going to ask that." Mom says.

"Do we have any bagels left?" I ask.

"Yep, in the bread bin." Mom says.

I start making myself a chicken and cheese bagel.

"That was your history teacher on the phone." Mom starts. "You threw a pencil at Joseph Stevens."

"Ugh, he was blocking my view of the board and he kept turning around to stare at me every five seconds." I say.

"That doesn't mean you can throw things, Keira." Mom says.

"In my head it does." I say.

"Which is why your school would like you to attend weekly therapy sessions for three months." Mom says. "I think it might be good for you."

"No. Absolutely not. I would rather throw pencils at my own eyes." I say, pacing around the kitchen.

"Hey, come here." Mom says and pulls me into her arms.

"Get off!" I scream pushing her arms off me.

"Keira, what's the matter?" She asks, concerned.

"I don't want to hit you." I say walking away and picking up my skateboard.

"We need to talk about this." Mom says.

"I'm going to the skate park." I say going to walk out of the house.

"You're not going anywhere." She says.

"It calms me down." I yell.

"Okay, but I want you back here in an hour." Mom says and I nod. "If you're not back, Keira, you're not going to the skate park for the rest of the month."

"Alright!" I snap, getting annoyed and storming out with my skateboard.


I get back home after an hour. I go inside and Mom is cleaning the kitchen.

"What is that?" Mom asks pointing to the energy drink in my hand.

"It's my drink." I say.

"I told you that you're not to be drinking those. It's worse than alcohol." Mom says, opening her hand for me to give it to her.

Liz Gillies RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now