French Braids (Liz&Micheal) - Request ★

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Liz's POV
I walk into Michael and I's three year old daughter Grace's bedroom to see him brushing her hair on the bed.

"Daddy, you do bwaids pease?" Grace asks.

"Uh, Daddy can't do French braids, angel." Michael says.

"I'll teach you." I say, sitting next to Michael.

"Hi Mommy!" Grace smiles, turning around to face me.

"Hi baby." I smile as she holds my shoulders and stands on my thighs.

"You bwaid my hair?" Grace asks, bouncing lightly.

"I'm gonna help Daddy to braid your hair." I say and she smiles.

"Otay!" Grace smiles, getting off my legs and sitting in front of Michael.

"So, how do I start?" Michael asks.

"Separate her hair into two sections." I say.

"Like this?" Michael asks.

"Two equal sections, babe." I laugh.

"Then what?" Michael asks.

"Start at the front of one half and take three sections of hair. Yep, like that." I say, watching him.

"Ow." Grace groans.

"Sorry, Grace." Michael apologises.

"Take the left piece of hair and cross it over the middle piece, then cross the third piece over both of them." I say.

"Am I doing good?" Michael asks.

"Very good. Now, you need to take more hair into the left section before you braid any further." I say.

"Ow!" Grace shrieks, holding her head.

"What's the matter, angel?" Michael asks.

"You're hurting me!" Grace complains, near tears.

"This isn't worth it. I'll stop now, sweetie, I'm sorry." Michael says, taking his hands away from her hair and kissing her head.

"I think you're tired, Grace." I say.

"I'm not." Grace yawns, crawling into my lap.

"Are you not? Okay then." I say amused as Grace curls into my chest.

"Not tired, Mommy." Grace yawns, holding the neckline of my vest top in her fist.

"Clearly." Michael chuckles.

"Do you want to learn on my hair?" I ask him.

"Really?" Michael asks.

"Yeah. I'll talk you through it." I say.

"Okay." Michael smiles, sitting behind me.

"So, you know the first couple of steps. Start by separating the hair at the middle." I say.

Grace stirs against my front and lets out little sleepy sounds.

"Not tired, huh." Michael laughs.

"She has my heart." I say quietly.

"What about me?" Michael chuckles.

"You are my heart." I say, tilting my head backwards to look at him.

"And you're mine." Michael smiles, kissing my nose.

"I don't want to ruin the moment but you're pulling my hair." I groan sitting up.

"I thought you liked that." Michael smirks.

"Fuck you." I smirk.

"Is that an insult or a to do list?" Michael asks.

Liz Gillies RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now