First Christmas (Dynasty) - Request ★

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Fallon's POV
I'm in the kitchen at the Manor holding Lauren in my arms while Mrs Gunnerson warms the milk bottle.

"Thank you, Mrs Gunnerson. I normally do it myself but I'm still learning to hold Lauren with one hand." I say, stroking Lauren's hair.

"Fallon, it's okay." She chuckles. "I love to see you and Liam with your little one."

"We really do appreciate all your help. Not just you, all of the staff." I say.

"We know you've changed, Fallon. You don't need to try to prove you have." Mrs Gunnerson smiles, handing me the bottle.

"Merry Christmas, Mrs Gunnerson." I smile, heading back to the main Christmas tree with Lauren.

Lauren starts crying.

"I hear cries." Liam says, wrapping his arm around my waist and giving Lauren his finger which she grabs onto.

"She's hungry." I say, sitting on the couch and starting to feed Lauren.

"Is that my niece I can hear?" Steven asks, walking in with Sam and Kirby.

"Sure is." Liam smiles.

"Oh no!" Kirby says.

"Quick, give her a Christmas gift." Sam says.

"Gifts don't solve a breakdown, Sam. Not everyone is a gold digger." I say, focusing back on Lauren.

"Harsh." Sam mutters.

"What?" I snap.

"Fal, shh, it's okay." Liam says softly, sitting next to me and supporting Lauren's head as she cries.

"I'm sorry, Sam. I just hate it when she cries and I can't help her." I sigh, trying to feed Lauren her bottle.

"We understand, Sis." Steven smiles.

"Why the tears, sweet Princess? Hmm? Did someone tell you that you're not getting any turkey? Is that it?" Liam coos to Lauren, wiping her tears gently with his thumb.

Lauren quickly quietens down and Liam takes the bottle from me, which Lauren immediately starts drinking.

"I'm going to, yeah." I whisper, standing up and walking out to the balcony.

"Fal, wait!" Liam calls but I ignore him and step outside into the cold Christmas morning air.

After a few minutes, Blake walks over to me from the other end of the balcony.

"What are you doing out here?" He asks.

"Just getting some air." I say.

"You feeling alright?" Blake asks.

"Yeah." I lie through a smile.

"Don't stay out here too long, sweetheart. It's cold and I want to give Lauren her first Christmas present!" Blake smiles excitedly before going inside.

A little while later, I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn around to see Steven.

"Hey." I smile.

"Here." He says, covering my shoulders with his jacket.

"I'm not cold." I shiver, making him laugh.

"You upset?" Steven asks.

"Not upset, maybe a little overwhelmed." I admit.

"That's expected. You're bringing a new baby into the world and it's not easy." Steven says.

"I know. I wanted to be good at it." I say.

Liz Gillies RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now