Break Up With Your Girlfriend (Liz&Ariana) - Request ★

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This is part 4 of 'Two Dangerous Women'. You need to read at least part 3 before you read this chapter. This chapter starts about an hour after part 3 finishes. Enjoy :)

3rd Person POV
Liz is tidying up the movie room while Ariana cleans herself up in the bathroom. The doorbell rings.

"Just a minute!" She calls out, hiding Ariana's bra under one of the cushions and heading towards the front door.

She opens it to see a man she doesn't recognise.

"Hi, I'm Liz." She says.

"Yeah, hi." He says, running a hand through his hair.

"Can I help you?" Liz asks.

"Is Ariana here?" He asks.

"She's just showering. Can I take a message?" Liz asks.

Just as she finishes her sentence, Ariana walks downstairs.

"Dalton?" She asks, shocked.

"What?" Liz asks, looking between them.

"Oh shit." Dalton curses, looking down.

"What's he doing here?" Ariana asks Liz, standing at her side.

"I was about to ask you the same question." Liz says.

"I wasn't sure if you were still interested in the houses I had found for you." He says.

"Why would we still be interested?" Ariana asks.

"You never called back." Dalton says.

"You know when I said loose my number, you're a twat?" Ariana asks him.

"Yeah." He nods.

"That meant loose my fucking number!" Ariana growls, slapping him in the head.

"So you don't want me as your realtor anymore?" Dalton asks, confused.

"No!" Liz and Ariana both yell.

"Oh." He says.

"You can go now." Ariana says.

"Hold on. I also wanted to know if you were still me." He asks.

"Ew!" Ariana cringes. "I'm really not."

"Are you sure?" Dalton asks.

"She's not interested." Liz says firmly.

"Let the girl answer for herself." Dalton rolls his eyes. "What's it gonna be, babygirl?"

Liz takes a deep breath to stop herself from punching him in the face.

"I don't want anything more to do with you, Dalton." Ariana says clearly.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

"I'm sure." Ariana groans.

"Come on, you've seen my skills." Dalton smirks.

"Does it hurt to know that a woman treats me better than your dick did? A woman that so happens to be my wife?" Ariana asks raising her eyebrow.

Liz smirks.

"You're gay?" He asks, eyes widening.

"I was into men too until I slept with you." Ariana says and Liz tries not to laugh.

"But you're so pretty." He smiles.

"I'm married!" She holds up her hand to show him her wedding ring.

"Didn't stop you before." He quips.

"Okay, bye now." Liz says, pushing him out the door.

"Better lock it." Ariana says, handing her the key.

"I think he needs more therapy than us." Liz says and Ariana laughs.

"I'm so sorry he came over, Liz. I didn't think I'd ever have to see him again." The singer apologises, standing on her tip toes to press a delicate kiss against Liz's lips.

"It's okay, babe. You and I are on the right track now." Liz smiles softly, bringing Ari into her arms.

"God I love you so much." She says, squeezing Liz's waist with her arms.

"I love you too." Liz smiles.

"Can we go out to eat tomorrow night?" Ariana asks.

"Sure. You can pick a restaurant." Liz nods.

"Why don't we go on vacation? It could be our big chance to re-capture the magic of our marriage?" Ariana grins, walking her fingers up Liz's arm.

"I'm in. Where shall we go?" She asks.

"Didn't you go to London with the cast?" Ari asks, slowly kissing Liz.

"Mm, yeah we did. I know...a great, hotel." Liz says breathlessly between kisses.

"As long as there's a bed I don't care." Ariana says and Liz laughs.

"I need to shower." Liz says, reluctantly pulling away.

"Why don't I run you a bath?" Ariana suggests.

"With candles?" Liz asks smiling.

"And loads of strawberry and vanilla bubbles." Ari nods.

"Yay!" Liz smiles, grabbing Ariana's hand and running upstairs. "Will you join me?"

Liz Gillies RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now