Auditions (Liz&Michael)

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Alexa's POV

I'm finishing my breakfast when Dad walks downstairs

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I'm finishing my breakfast when Dad walks downstairs.

"There's our little Broadway star." Dad smiles, kissing my head.

"I'm not a star, and it's only an audition for Broadway." I tell him.

"You're a star to me, Broadway or not." Dad says and I smile.

"Thanks Dad." I say, emptying my cereal bowl.

"You ready for the big audition?" Dad asks.

"Sure, we'll go with that." I say.

"You certainly look ready." Dad says.

"Mom says wearing something that makes you feel confident really helps in an audition room." I say.

"She's not wrong." Dad says.

"I don't know, I feels kind of wrong." I say.

"What does?" Dad asks.

"To be auditioning again, after such a long time." I say.

"Your Mom and I did everything we could to protect you from the consequences of being in the entertainment industry, especially when you started auditioning so young." Dad says.

"I was a kid." I say.

"And we never wanted to stand in the way of your dreams. But after you started auditioning more than twice a month, we had to step in." Dad says.

"I'm so glad you did." I say.

"I felt like I was watching a younger version of your Mom when I drove you home from all those call backs with you in hysterics." Dad says.

"It wasn't great, it really wasn't." I laugh.

"Which is why you took a break." Dad says.

"It's exactly what I needed, but I'm 16 now and it feels like the gap may have been too big." I sigh.

"There is no such thing as taking a break for too long. You took the time to really focus on training." Dad says.

"I do feel like I've improved." I say.

"You have! So, so much, Alexa. Your acting is on par with your Mom's, your voice is at its best and your dancing is remarkable." Dad smiles.

"Stop." I blush.

Mom walks upstairs from the basement.

"You eaten?" Mom asks.

"Yep. And I've got water." I say, holding up my bottle.

"Well done. Have you got your script?" Mom asks.

"In my purse." I say.

"And a print out of your resume?" Mom asks.

"I've got everything. You're acting like a stage Mom." I say and Dad laughs.

"Sorry." Mom smiles.

"It's all good. Can we go though?" I ask.

"Of course." Mom says.

"I'm really sorry I couldn't be with you today, but I can't wait to hear all about it when you get home." Dad says to me.

"It's okay, Dad." I hug him.

"Go in there and kill it. I want to hear your voice from here." Dad smiles and I laugh.

"I'll try." I smile.

"Enjoy it." Dad says as we walk out the door.


I'm in the Uber with Mom.

"How are you feeling?" Mom asks.

"I'm starting to remember why I haven't auditioned for anything since I was nine." I say.

"That producer was a jerk, and what he said to you has nothing to do with your potential." Mom says.

"He probably didn't expect to get a call from your lawyers!" I laugh.

"That's what happens when morons shout and insult minors at an audition. Especially my daughter." Mom smirks.

"To be honest all I remember was crying to you and Dad and then hearing you yell down the phone while Dad made me an ice cream sundae." I say.

"That was a long phone call." Mom says.

"It's been a long time since I've had an audition." I say.

"I can always pull a few strings for you with my agent. I'm sure we'd find something for you." Mom says.

"If I'm an actor I want it to be for my talent, not because of who my parents are. I'm working from the ground up just like you did and I don't want anything just handed to me." I explain.

"I am so, so proud of you, Alexa." Mom smiles.

"Thanks." I say.

"You know your lines?" Mom asks.

"All of them." I say.

"And your song?" Mom asks.

"You helped me rehearse it." I smile.

"Take Me Or Leave Me isn't exactly an easy song." Mom smirks.

We pull up into the parking lot and get out of the car.

"Which building is it?" I ask.

"The second one. I'll walk you over there." Mom says.

We walk over to the building.

"Okay." I sigh.

"You know what to do in there?" Mom asks.

"I think so." I nod.

"Deep breath before you take your mark. Ignore everything your brain tells you because you do remember your lines. Make friends with the quietest kids because inside they're the loudest. Sing in your chest voice unless it's a harmony. Don't look at the director, look two inches above the camera lens and...?" Mom trails off.

"And you and Dad are proud of me whatever happens." I smile.

"You got it." Mom smiles, kissing my head.

"Will you-" I start.

"I'll wait for you right here. I'm not going anywhere." Mom says and I smile.

"See you later." I say.

"Good luck, sweetheart." Mom smiles.

I walk into the building and up the stairs to the audition room. There's a lot of people and I have to wait in line.

Eventually it's my turn. I take my mark in front of the camera and the director smiles at me.

"Hi, I'm Alexa Gillies-Corcoran, under 18, and I'm reading for the lead female." I smile.

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