Healing (Liz&Michael)

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This stands as a trigger warning because the entire chapter is based on disordered eating. I am not in any way saying that Liz had or has struggles with eating. However I have taken lines of dialogue she's used in interviews to make this realistic. I hope this doesn't offend anyone and that it can be taken as a positive message. Enjoy!  :)

Michael's POV
Recently I've noticed Liz hasn't been herself. She seems distant from me and tired all of the time when she comes home from work, but I'm doing my best to support her.

"Babe, what do you want for dinner?" I ask her, walking into the bedroom where she's lying down with Otis.

"I'm not hungry." Liz says casually.

"I'll make something small then. What do you fancy?" I ask.

"I don't, thanks." Liz says, stroking Otis.

"Do you want take out?" I offer.

"No." Liz says quietly.

"You tell me what you want to eat, Liz, and I'll get it for you." I tell her.

"I already ate today now would you get off my ass." Liz snaps, standing up and storming into the bathroom.

"Liz!" I call and follow her, knocking on the bathroom door.

"Go away, Michael." She groans.

"I'm sorry if I'm getting on your nerves but it's dinner time and I want to know what to cook." I explain.

Slowly the door opens and Liz steps out.

"You're not getting on my nerves. I'm sorry I snapped so easily, I think I'm just stressed from work." Liz sighs.

"It's okay, come here." I wrap her in my arms and kiss her hair. "I'm having pasta and meatballs. Would you like gluten free pasta and veggies?"

"Yes please. Only a small plate, though." Liz says.

"Whatever you want." I nod, going to walk out.

"I'll come help you in a minute." Liz says, walking into the closet.

"Okay babe." I smile, walking downstairs.

I start to meal prep for myself and then I go through ingredients for Liz's dinner. I open the refrigerator and see most of the food she bought for the week is totally untouched.

Liz walks in carrying Otis.

"You've started already." Liz notices aloud.

"I have. Liz, all the food you bought last week is basically still all closed up." I tell her, showing her bags and boxes of food.

"Oh?" Liz says confused.

"There's vegan burgers here... nuggets... lasagna, loads of salads, fruits, dairy free milks..." I list, looking at all of the food.

"You know it's been such a busy week for me. I've been eating at work most days and nights." Liz shrugs, setting Otis on the floor.

"I know that, but this will all go bad. Do you still want pasta because I can make you a burger and some nuggets if you'd prefer?" I ask.

"No, that's way too much! I'll just have a little bit of pasta with the veggies and then I can use up some of the fruit after." Liz says, putting all of the food back into the refrigerator.

"Alright." I nod, not sure why she's acting so differently.

We sit down to eat dinner about twenty minutes later. It's almost silent except for the music Liz switched on and she's staring down at her plate.

Liz Gillies RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now