Thunderstorms (Liz&Maddison) - Request ★

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I don't know if there's a ship name for Liz & Maddison, but this chapter is Liz and Maddison Brown as a couple. Enjoy :)

Liz's POV
I'm on set getting ready to film. Rafael and I are dancing while we wait for our mark.

"There's a weather warning, everyone." Adam says, walking in with one of the producers.

"What?" I ask, trying not to panic.

"Yeah, there's a yellow weather warning just been released." Our producer says.

"We're going to keep filming because it's still safe, but we'll keep everyone updated." The director on set says.

"Are you going to be okay?" Adam asks me, quietly.

"Probably not. I'll just have to get through this." I sigh.

"I'm here if you need me." He says.

"Thank you. Where's Maddison?" I ask.

"She's getting her hair done." Rafael says.

"Positions please!"

"We're rolling!"

"Quiet on set!"

"3, 2, 1, action!" The director calls.

Adam, Rafael and me film our scene, but I flinch every time there's a noise outside and we have to start over.

"I'm sorry." I apologise as we get our make up touched up.

"Don't worry about it, honey." Raf smiles, rubbing my shoulder.

Maddison walks on set.

"Maddison!" I exclaim, getting off my chair and running to her.

"Hey, baby." She says, hugging me. "What's the matter?"

"There's a yellow weather warning." I say, putting my head on her shoulder.

"Try not to worry, Liz. We'll be home later and I'll make dinner. Think about that." She says and I smile.

"What are you going to cook?" I ask.

"It's a surprise." She says smiling.


We're still filming the same scene after two hours. Maddison is watching us. I mess up my line.

"Cut!" The director yells.

"Sorry. Fuck, I'm so sorry." I say, looking over my lines.

Maddison walks over to me.

"Calm down, babe. You're shaking." She says, rubbing my arms.

"I'm fucking everything up." I say.

"No you're not." Maddison says.

"Back to one!" The director shouts.

"Remember to breathe." Maddison says and kisses my cheek.

We get through the scene and then our chief producer walks on.

"We're shutting down and sending everyone home for today. We've just received an amber weather warning." The producer says.

"Amber weather warning?" I ask.

"Yeah. We want everyone to get home safely so we're stopping filming for now." The producer says.


We get to Maddison's apartment and just as we close the front door, there's a clap of thunder outside.

I scream and jump into Maddison's arms.

"Hey, you're fine." She chuckles, kissing the side of my head.

"I know." I mumble.

She holds me for a while. It starts raining heavily against the windows.

"Don't you find that peaceful?" Maddison asks.

"You find peace in the possibility of us being flooded in and having to swim our way downstairs?" I ask and she laughs.

"We're not going to have to swim anywhere." She smiles.

"Good, because I didn't bring a bikini." I say.

"You wouldn't need one anyways." She winks.

There's more thunder and I scream loudly.

"Shh, you're okay." Maddison says.

"I can't do this." I cry, burying my head in her neck.

"Yes you can, love." She says.

"I'm cold." I say, shivering.

"You're burning up." She says, putting her hand on my forehead.

"I can't breathe." I gasp.

"I think you're having a panic attack." Maddison says.

"Yep." I say struggling to breathe as she leads me over to the couch.

She wraps her arms around me and I put my head on her chest. She wipes my tears as they fall and hugs me tighter when I shiver.

Eventually I calm down.

"I hate storms so fucking much." I say and cuddle into her even more when there's lightning outside.

"I know you do, baby." Maddison says, cupping my cheeks and kissing me. "Does that make it better?"

"I'm not sure. You might need to do it again." I giggle.

"Oh, what a shame." She rolls her eyes and kisses me again, more passionately.

"You're pretty." I whisper against her lips.

"You're prettier." She whispers back.

"You have rainwater skin and a youthful complexion. God, it really makes me hate you." I groan and she laughs.

"You know-" she starts but I cut her off by screaming when there's more lightning. "I'm going to close the drapes, okay?"

"Mm 'kay." I say quietly.

Maddison gets up and closes the drapes, then comes back and pulls me to my feet.

"You're short." She laughs as I stand on my tip toes to look into her eyes.

"No, you're a giant." I say.

Our eyes lock and we get lost in each other. There's more thunder from outside.

"Fuck!" I shout, wrapping my arms around Maddison.

"You're so cute." She smiles.

"It's not fair. Why do I have to be scarred of storms?" I complain.

"I thought you went to therapy for this, babe?" Maddison asks.

"I did and I thought it helped." I say.

"It's alright, we can work through this together for you." She smiles.

"That's so sweet it almost makes me feel bad for insulting you so much." I smirk.

"Nah. We've always been enemies to friends to lovers." She smiles.

"Is that so?" I ask raising an eyebrow. She nods.

"How about I run you a hot bath?" Maddison suggests.

"Will you join me?" I ask twirling a piece of her hair.

"You bet."

Liz Gillies RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now