You're Stronger Than Your Scars (Liz) - Request ★

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This chapter contains teenage self-harm. It is not explicit but it is mentioned and referenced a lot. My DM's are always open if anyone wants to chat. In this chapter, Liz has a 14 year old daughter and the dad is not involved. Enjoy :)

Ragen's POVI'm in my bedroom after school, trying to cover the cuts on my arm that I made

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Ragen's POV
I'm in my bedroom after school, trying to cover the cuts on my arm that I made.

"Crap." I murmur when the band aid gets stuck to my finger.

Suddenly Mom walks in.

"What do you fancy for dinner? I thought maybe pasta or-" Mom trails off, looking at my arm. "Ragen, what is that?"

"What?" I ask, putting my arm behind my back.

"You know what I mean, Ragen. What's on your arm?" She asks.

"Nothing." I lie.

"Then why is your arm behind your back?" Mom asks.

"Oh, Otis scratched me earlier. It's not bad, though." I shrug.

"Let me see." Mom says.

"You don't need to see." I say.

"Don't make me count down." Mom warns.

I hold out my arm and look away.

"Ragen," Mom starts and opens her mouth but nothing comes out.

"I'm sorry." I sob, falling to the floor and sitting down, hugging my knees to my chest.

"It's okay, I'm here." Mom says softly, sitting in front of me.

"Mom I'm sorry I didn't know what else to do I shouldn't have done it I know I shouldn't of but I didn't think okay I didn't I just didn't think about anything until I'd done it and there was no going back." I blurt out, all in one breath while crying.

"You're going to make yourself pass out or throw up, or both." Mom says and gently pulls me into her side, wrapping her arms around me. "Shh shh shh."

She hushes me until I stop crying. I sniffle and put my head on her shoulder.

"It's the kids at school again." I admit.

"What are they saying?" Mom asks.

"I can't be your daughter and I must be adopted because I'm not pretty like you and I don't have big boobs and I-" I start crying again.

"Ragen, Ragen listen to me. You are the most beautiful human I know. You don't need anyone else's approval to validate yourself." Mom says and I nod.

"They say stuff about you too, Mom." I say.

"Do they?" She asks.

"They say you're a MILF." I tell her.

"I don't care." Mom shrugs.

Liz Gillies RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now