Lauren (Dynasty) - Request ★

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I loved this request and immediately had to write it! For this chapter, Fallon and Liam had Lauren and she's now 16 with ADHD. Enjoy :)

Lauren's POVI'm in my third class of the day, math, but I keep getting distracted and start talking to my friends around me

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Lauren's POV
I'm in my third class of the day, math, but I keep getting distracted and start talking to my friends around me.

"Lauren, are you coming on Friday?" My friend Jack asks.

"What's Friday?" I ask, trying to copy the formula from the board into my book while fidgeting.

"My party." Dex says.

"Sure." I nod, realising I wrote down the wrong formula.

"Can you ask Fallon to let you bring alcohol?" Katie asks.

"I can try." I say.

"She's a cool Mom." Katie says.

"There's gonna be drinking anyway." Amy says.

"If you can get vodka that's great." Jack says.

"Like I said, I'll try." I say before looking at my book covered in scribbles and sighing.

"Are you okay?" My best friend Leila asks.

"I'm done with this lesson." I throw my pen down without thinking.

"Lauren, can you sit still and stop throwing things." My teacher, Miss Reed says.

"I literally can't." I say honestly.

Leila tries not to laugh.

"Don't answer back." Miss Reed says.

"I wasn't, I was just telling you that I can sit still." I shrug, watching my legs bounce up and down.

"I'm sure your Mom would love to hear about your attitude in my lessons." Miss Reed says sarcastically.

"You can call her but she knows all about you and what a biased cow of a teacher you are. Those were her words, actually." I say and notice the class is silent.

"Lauren..." Leila trails off.

"Get out of my classroom." Miss Reed says.

"Sure. At least now I can burn some of my energy." I smile before slamming my book shut and zipping up my bag.

"Book on my desk." Miss Reed says.

"You're more than welcome to mark it, but that's actually nothing to read. Enjoy that." I smile, grabbing my phone before walking out.

I go down the stairs and do laps of the school until I bump into the head of my grade, Mr Strowe.

"What are you doing, Lauren?" He asks.

"I got sent out." I tell him.

"Do you want to have a chat and you can tell me a bit more?" Mr Strowe asks.

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