Makayla (Part 3) (Liz) - Request ★

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Liz's POV
I'm walking out of a meeting with Makayla in my arms.

"Mommy." Makayla says, grabbing my shoulder.

"Yes baby?" I ask.

"Hungry." Makayla says.

"Let's get you some food then." I say.

We walk into a grocery store.

"It's loud." Makayla says immediately.

"I know. We won't be in here for long. If you get overstimulated, tell Mommy." I say.

"Uh huh." Makayla nods.

"Here. Choose any foods you want." I say, setting her on the floor in front of the food chiller.

"Any food?" Makayla asks.

"Of course." I nod.

Makayla takes a box of mango, a packet of potato chips, another box of mango and a large salted pretzel.

"Do you want a drink, Makayla?" I ask.

She takes an apple juice and passes all of the food to me.

"Is that everything?" I ask.

"Everything." Makayla nods.

"I've gotta grab a few groceries and then we can leave." I say, taking Makayla's hand.

I'm reading the ingredients on the back of a washing detergent.

"Makayla, do you think you'll like the smell of this one?" I ask, turning around and seeing Makayla isn't behind me.

"Makayla?" I call out.

I hear a loud scream.

"Ah, shit." I murmur, going down the next aisle and seeing Makayla sat in the middle of the floor screaming.

"Whose child is this?" A woman asks.

"She's mine, sorry." I say, crouching in front of Makayla.

"Mommy!" Makayla screams.

"I'm right here. Look at me." I say softly.

"Why is she screaming?" A man asks.

"My daughter is overstimulated and this is how she communicates that." I say, picking Makayla up.

"Dude, that's so autistic." He says.

"Yes, that's exactly what it is. Thank you for being so understanding." I say.

"That's not what I meant-" the man says as we walk away.

"Mom." Makayla cries, grabbing my hair.

"I know you're hurting. I promise we'll only be in here five more minutes." I soothe.

I finish paying for everything and toss it all in my bag, Makayla still in my arms.

"What's wrong with her?" A woman asks, walking over.

"Nothing is wrong with my child." I say.

"Then clearly you should be a better parent." She says.

"Okay, thank you." I roll my eyes.

"Aren't you going to apologise for you daughter?" She asks, pointing to Makayla.

"Who even are you?" I ask.

"I'm the manager." She says.

"I'm not going to apologise for my child. I'll apologise for the damage she caused, but not for my child. It's not her fault, it's not a burden to me, it's not for you to comment on. So go along and enjoy your day." I smile sarcastically, walking away.

Liz Gillies RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now