Nerves (Liz&Michael)

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This is a different approach to writing that I've always used but never published, so bare with.
Again, Adam Huber is still on a hiatus for me so all the Mizabeth fans can thank his abusive ass for the influx of Liz and Michael chapters you're going to get. Alice is an OC, no real life human being in their right mind would ever be this rude to our Liz. This is also over 2000 words so take your time. Enjoy :)

This chapter contains swearing, cursing and is based on anxiety.

3rd Person POV
Liz isn't usually this nervous before an interview. Sure, she has occasional jitters but this isn't just a few shakes. This was twenty four hours of torturous anxiety bubbling up until very slowly, Liz starts to crumble.

It had been a good idea inviting Michael to the interview. Granted, he sat silently in the back behind the cameras but he was there for her nonetheless.

Slowly, Liz manages to bring herself back to where she physically is, in her chair opposite the interviewer. Liz almost feels bad for the interviewer; she looked so prepared and confident, the direct opposite of how Liz was feeling and bless her, Liz couldn't even remember the woman's name, despite her introducing herself only moments prior.

"So, umm, when do I speak?" Liz asks, clearing her throat.

The interviewer looks confused for a second. She's watched plenty of Liz's interviews and now she was asking for her cue to speak?

"I'll introduce you to the viewers and say how you're a singer, actress and former star of hit CW show Dynasty." The interview explains.

Alice! That was her name.

"And then I talk." Liz says.

"Yeah. It'll flow naturally like a regular conversation." Alice says with a smile.

"We're live." The camera man announces.

This was a live interview!? Liz wasn't ready! She didn't even have water with her. This was a disaster before it even started.

Out of the corner of her eye, she notices Michael giving her a thumbs up and a warm smile.

"Hello everyone and welcome to this interview. I'm Alice and I'm here with singer, actress and former star of Dynasty, the lovely Liz Gillies." Alice smiles.

Liz opens her mouth to say something in response but Alice quickly begins talking again.

That wasn't what she had said would happen. How was Liz supposed to get a word in now? Alice continued talking but Liz was behind, trapped in her own thoughts.

"Tell me, how was that?" Alice asks.

A million curses run through Liz's head. She should have listened. What was Alice even talking about?

Liz gives a false smile and glances to Michael.

"Dynasty." Michael mouths and Liz instantly begins talking as soon as the word forms from his mouth.

"It was really an experience I'll never truly let go of. The cast was beautiful, the crew were the best I've ever worked with and I couldn't have asked for anything better." Liz smiles.

Michael had her back on that one. Alice starts talking again, gushing over how sweet Liz is and then Liz acknowledges Alice stop talking and comes to a silent conclusion that she must have been asked another question she had missed.

"I uh, yeah." Is all Liz can manage, her head spinning as Alice's concerned expression becomes one of judgment and frustration.

She'll probably lose her job over this interview, because of Liz.

Liz Gillies RequestsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ