I'm Not ill! (Liz&Michael)

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Liz's POV
I come from work and Michael's in the bedroom.

"I know you said you'd be home late but I didn't expect you'd be home at midnight." Michael says.

"Sorry. We thought we were done and then the director called us again." I say.

"You don't sound too well, babe. Are you feeling okay?" Michael asks.

"I'm fine." I say, sniffling.

"Really?" Michael asks, pressing his palm against my forehead.

"I mean, we were shooting outside and I was wearing a strapless mini dress but-" I'm cut off.

"I hate the way actors are treated." Michael growls.

"Babe, it's fine. I've been doing this for years now, it's nothing new." I say.

"You should rest up. Let me get you a warm drink and some medicine." Michael says.

"I don't have time, Michael. I need to shower and do my skin care and meal prep for tomorrow and-" I say, and sneeze.

"Bless you. Look, I've done the meal prep for tomorrow, the dogs are fed and downstairs in bed so you just need to shower." Micheal says.

"But my skincare..." I say, blowing my nose.

"Can wait until the morning." Micheal says.

"But-" I start coughing.

"Liz, I think you're ill." Michael says, rubbing my back.

"I'm not!" I roll my eyes before continuing to cough.

"Please listen to me, you're sick, babe." Michael says.

"No, I'm, not!" I say in between sneezes.

"Sure." Michael rolls his eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me!" I exclaim, and my throat scratches.

"Let me take care of you." Michael says, putting his hands on my waist.

"I don't need you to take care of me. I'm perfectly fine." I say, shivering.

"At least change into some comfy clothes." Michael says.

I change into sweatpants and one of his sweaters, then walk out of the closet.

"This isn't cute." I say, looking down at myself.

"You're sick, it doesn't have to be cute." Michael smiles.

"You just told me I'm not cute." I say.

"You said it too!" Michael exclaims.

"I'm allowed to say it! You're not supposed to agree!" I point out.

"Sorry." Michael laughs.

"I'm not laughing, Mike." I say, seriously.

"Why you calling me Mike again?" Michael asks.

"Because you're being a dick head." I say, tying my hair back.

"Hey! I have done nothing but try to help you." Michael says, sternly.

"I don't want your help, I'm not sick!" I yell.

"I hate this word but I'm gonna use it because you're really starting to piss me off, Liz. You're acting like a brat." Michael says.

"Excuse me!" I yell.

"Alright, I probably shouldn't have called you a brat." Michael says, reaching for my hand.

"You're fucking right." I spit.

"I'm sorry." Michael says.

"Don't follow me. I want to be alone." I say, storming out of the bedroom and downstairs.


I quietly walk upstairs into the bedroom with Otis following me. I push the door open and see Michael sat up in bed.

"Michael." I say quietly.

"Yes baby." Michael says, looking up at me.

"I think I'm sick." I say shyly.

"Really? What makes you think that?" Michael asks, smiling.

"I'm sorry for getting mad at you." I sniffle.

"I'm not upset, but I'll admit I didn't like the way you spoke to me." Michael says.

"I realised that. I'm sorry." I say, getting on the bed and straddling his legs then leaning down to hug him.

"It's all good, babe. Let me run you a hot bath." Michael says, resting his hands on my lower back.

"Mmm, okay. With the bath salts?" I ask.

"You bet, and how about a massage after?" Michael suggests as I follow him into the bathroom.

I sit on the counter while Michael starts the bath.

"A massage sounds- perfect." I say, sneezing.

"You're really coming down with something, huh." Michael says, rubbing my back.

"I think so." I groan.

"Oh, baby. Why don't you get in the bath now and I'll find the candles that help clear your sinuses." Michael says.

"Alright." I yawn, stepping into the bath and lying back in the hot water.

Michael comes in a few minutes later with candles and matches and a mug of hot water with lemon and honey.

"Try this." Michael says, handing me the mug before lighting the candles everywhere in the bathroom.

"Thank you. You're amazing, you know that, right?" I say, starting to loose my voice.

"I've been told." Michael grins.

"I don't feel good." I groan.

"Maybe you should take a day off work tomorrow." Michael suggests.

"If I take a sick day, it costs the company thousands of dollars." I say.

"And if you end up really sick, there is no Fallon Carrington." Michael says and I laugh hoarsely.

"I'll just see how I am in the morning." I say, closing my eyes.

"Maybe you should try to have a lay in tomorrow." Michael says.

"I have to be up at 4 so I can be on set at 6. There's no time for a lie in." I say.

"I have so much respect for actors, but it doesn't mean the way they're treated is right." Michael complains.

"I know hun, but there's not a lot we can do about it." I say.

"Just relax for now babe. Take it all one step at a time." Michael says softly and I close my eyes.

Liz Gillies RequestsWhere stories live. Discover now