The Two Losses

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"The ninja and the others are meeting Mr. Borg at the Temple of Fortitude" Pixal informed me as I drove through the city. People ran through the streets in terror as nindroids ran rampant causing as much destruction as possible.

"Point me in the right direction Pix" I replied as I drove up a ramp to avoid the fallen bus in the road. The city was in complete chaos, violent winds swept through the buildings throwing whatever isn't nailed down around.

"Hold on Pixal" I told the android as I squeezed the bike through an alleyway. The ride through Ninjago City was less than peaceful, turbulent to say the least and cataclysmic at the most. I practically had to weave the vehicle away from stray objects and nindroids just to keep Pixal safe.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a glimpse of red. Looking at the battle, I recognized the damaged crimson mech as Nya's. There the girl in red was fighting against Cryptor and she was at a disadvantage.

A sick twisted feeling stiffened my shoulders as I drove past the scene.

The words from our last conversation me from inside and out like an acid burn. The subdued resentment bubbling to the surface like sweet sugar at the sight.

Like in some twisted way, she was getting what she deserved for her recent actions.

But that doesn't warrant me from turning a blind eye.

The sweet sugary vengeance rotted my conscience. These thoughts sickened me as my head hurt. Turning the bike around with a large screech of the tires, I sped off back towards the samurai.

Even though my friendship with Nya was just both of us standing on cracked ice, a part of me wanted to find some solid ground, despite my aches. Instead of drowning in the freezing water and lose one of my real friends.

"-Even Mindroid knows you're short of a hard drive!" Nya mocked the general as she glared at him from her defenseless position.

"Mindroid? That little piece of scrap isn't even fit to tighten my bolts" Cryptor chuckled as the nindroid overheard the insults behind his back.

Mindroid dropped his looted TVs and stomped over to his higher up, anger radiating from the height challenged nindroid.

The engine roared in my ears as I drove over a ramp flying through the air. I made up my resolve, an effort to get rid of the dark gross feelings that tugged at my head.

I can't forgive her yet. Sorry is empty when there is no changed behavior. That applies to all parties involved. Both of us need to grow and learn before coming to a true resolution.

"I've met toasters more intelligent than him-"

Cryptor couldn't finish his sentence as my front wheel came down on his head. Metal screeched against asphalt as I came to a stop.

Nya and Mindroid stood there stunned as the parts of the nindroid general scattered across the pavement. He was still flickering but heavily damaged from the impact. Completely out of commission for the rest of the fight.

"Let's meet up with the others" I called to Nya, snapping the samurai out of her small trance.

"I can't even calculate how you pulled that off" Pixal muttered as I revved up the engine again as I waited for Nya to get back into her mech.

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