The Temple

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I landed in the Dragon stables with the others. We just got back from dealing with a Mergequake. I watched as the Dragons went to their correct sleeping quarters. Lloyd turned to Arin and Sora who approached him, "I'm still surprised how many Dragons decided to stay after we freed them from Imperium."

"Having these stables makes it easier" Sora replied and the Dragon, Sora, nuzzled into me. I smiled and petted her snout.

"Stables that weren't here before the Merge" Arin said, "Right?" He turned to Lloyd. Dragon Sora departed and I waved bye as I walked to Arin, (human) Sora, Lloyd and Riyu. "It's almost like everything is coming together for reason." Arin said.

Sora chuckled and turned to Arin, "I love ya Arin, but...Not everything is some big cosmic plan. These Dragons love living in these caves. We humans love living in the comfortable Monastery up top."

A blast of fire went by us, lighting a torch. "Well...Most of the humans." Nadine walked over and smiled. I chuckled, "Despite you being a Hypnobrai, and for me...I'm half Dragon."

Sora glanced at us, "Oh, I totally forgot about that."

I watched Lloyd, Sora and Arin walk to the red hair girl. Lloyd spoke, "You're getting better at lighting those torches, Wyldfyre. But, are you sure you don't want, I don't know, a bed? A bathroom?"

The girl, Wyldfyre, scoffed "I'm not soft like the rest of you. I was raised by a Dragon. My bathroom is everywhere!"

I raised an eyebrow, curious about this girl. Lloyd shook his head, "Well, you'll always have a space up at the Monastery if you want it."

"Don't want, don't need."

The group leaves and I nod to Nadine, she followed and I walked to Wyldfyre. I kneel down to her and smile, "Hey there."

She looked at me and gasp, "No way! You're that Dragon lady!" She exclaimed. I smile "Yeah. I'm Asteria, nice to meet you Wyldfyre. I don't think we met. You say you were raised by a Dragon?"

"Yeah, I was! This is Heatwave, my family!" Wyldfyre said and Heatwave looked at me. I stood and reached my hand out, petting Heatwave. "You did an amazing job at raising a human girl, Heatwave."

I turned to Wyldfyre, "You know...Once you warm up to us, maybe you could join the Monastery." I smile. Wyldfyre scoffed, "As if. You should join us down here! It's way more fun!"

I smile, "Did you know I was raised by humans?" I ask. The girl's eyes widen and she looked at me. I continued, "I was separated by my biological family and my mother sadly passed away...My adoptive family found me living on the streets and took me in."

"You should try to think about others, Wyldfyre...I'll leave you alone though." I bowed my head to the kid and my wings flapped, leaving the Dragon stables.


Zane and I have been trying to get Lloyd to come to the basement since we found more about Mergequakes. We heard fighting at Arin and Sora's room and we ran in.

My eyes furrow, seeing the others trying to get Wyldfyre and Kai to stop fighting. "Everyone!" I roared and they froze, looking in my direction. I turn to Zane, letting him speak."We need you all to come with us" the ice ninja spoke.

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