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My eyes widened "What...?"

Wu sighed and turned to us "In the days of my father, the First Spinjitzu Master there was peace between humans and Serpentine. But it was a fragile peace. Humans were forbidden to enter the lands of the Serpentine and the Serpentine were forbidden to enter the lands of men."

He continued "However, me and my brother disobeyed the law and we were caught. We were put in a cell until Aspheera freed us and we ran back home. That night I could not sleep. I was troubled by the promise I had made. A promise Garmadon had no intention of keeping. But one which I felt I must."

"I returned the next day to fulfill my promise but I exacted a promise from her in return. I asked her to never use Spinjitzu for evil, she gave her word and I trusted her. Much to my regret."

"In the days and weeks that followed, I taught her the secret of Spinjitzu. My brother had found out and we fought. For weeks we barely said a word to each other. Until I found out King Mambo had been overthrown by Aspheera."

"I told Garmadon want had happened and we put aside our anger. Together, we hope to undo what we had done. But it meant disobeying my father a second time. The scrolls gave us powers we never felt before. It felt as if...We had reached our true potential in an instant."

"It was a wonderful feeling. And a terrible one. Aspheera was defeated but the power of the Scroll was too much, even for her sorcery. King Mambo was restored to his rightful throne and the peace was kept." Wu finished as he glanced at all of us.

"You're the Deceiver?" Jay exclaimed. "Wait, wait, wait. Let me get this straight. You broke your own father's law, snuck into the land of the Serpentine and nearly started a war?" Kai questioned.

Wu stood up "It...It wasn't quite that-"

Cole interrupted "And you befriended a snake, and thought it would be a good idea to teach her Spinjitzu?"

"Well it was a complicated-"

I spoke "You stole a dangerous scroll from your father and broke the law again to defeat her?"

Wu was quiet and sighed "Yes. Okay? Yes, I admit it all. What can I say? I was young and reckless, and...and foolish." He looked down "I never thought to hear the name Aspheera again. I thought all of this was in the past."

The building suddenly made a thud and we all exclaimed from the sudden thud.

"What was that?" Pixal inquired. "The past catching onto us" Kai said and wall ran outside to the courtyard climbing up the wall to the very top.

Aspheera and her serpents were slithering up the stairs to the monastery and the large serpent shot a fire ball.

"Look out!" Cole shouted as everyone jumped off the top of the wall but I breathed water as it sizzled the fire stopping it from having contact with the monastery.

"Looks like Lloyd and the others didn't slow Aspheera down much" I heard Cole say. Kai's hands clutched tightly and he turned to Wu "This is because of you Master Wu. You're our teacher, the one that's always lecturing about responsibility and, and true potential."

Wu sighed "I made a mistake. I never thought this would come back to haunt me."

I saw another fireball coming our way and quickly stopped it with my water. I turned to the others "You guys find the other scroll while I take care of Aspheera" I said and their eyes widened.

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