Fall Of The Great Devourer

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We drove into Ninjago City with the ultra sonic raider. We jumped out and I noticed Ed and Edna in their car, the large serpent about to chomp down on them. "Jay!" I told him and he looked, his eyes widened.

We ran over as Jay jumped on the hood of our parent's car. "Leave my parents alone!"

Jay shot lighting off from his nunchucks the lighting hitting the beast's face. It hissed and slithered away.

I turned to my parents. "Are you two okay?" I asked worriedly as Jay opened the damaged hood. "Oh, we're fine dear! Thank you!" Edna said and I smiled.

I saw Jay and Ed trying to fix the engine and I walked over. I noticed a wire out of place.

"Oh. This wire is out of place, that's what is causing it to sputter" I told them and I fixed the wire back into it. "Try starting it back up" I told Ed and I heard the purr of the engine.

"Stay safe" I told the both of them as Ed got in the driver seat, Jay shutting the hood.

Edna nodded waving bye to Jay and I as Ed reversed. "Thanks you two! Be safe fighting that snake will ya?"

"We're proud of you both! We love you!" Ed shouted waving to us both. "Love you too! We'll be safe, go now!" Jay waved urgently as I waved goodbye. Ed drove off away from the Devourer.

I looked at Jay. We both shared a nod rushing back to the others to provide aid. Cole had picked up a news van with his super strength and threw it at the Devourer. It shook its head glaring with blazing violet eyes.

The Devourer shook its tail like a rattlesnake and threw it down at us. "Ice!" Zane yelled as he blasted a icy wind at the creatures tail freezing it in place.

The snake broke the ice and smashed nearby objects in a rage.

"Uh, I think we made it mad" Jay pointed out. We stood back up ready for the next attack. The Devourer charged down at the ground to sweep someone up in its jaws.

"Move!" I yelled and pushed Jay and Cole out of the way, I looked up.

Suddenly the samurai suit flew to the scene and got between the Devourer's mouth having it pried open by a lamp post.

"Samurai to the rescue! Again!" Jay cheered for Nya and Lloyd as the giant snake roared in pain shaking its head to dislodge the pole.

I saw smoke coming out of the Devourer's mouth, my eyes widened as the samurai suit was malfunctioning.

"Sis, get out of there!" Kai yelled.

"I can't I'm stuck!" Nya shouted as the joints of the suit locked up.

I felt my heart racing. My feet started to move on their own, I charged towards the beast.

"Asteria!" The others behind called for me but I jumped onto the serpent's tail.

The serpent shook violently screeching in the air. I ran up the vertical part of the body quickly making it to the head.

I unsheathed my left katana and stabbed the left eye of the Devourer. It let out a pained cry shaking back and forth violently but I held my blade there steadfast. The samurai suit flung out of its mouth but before it reached the ground a four headed dragon flew in catching the two.

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