Make An Enemy Into Your Friend

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"First I'll stomp on his tail then when he turns, a thunder clap to his ears!" Lloyd exclaimed "Then when he's stunned I'll disarm him." The boy was explaining on how he would fight a Serpentine.

I listened to the conversation as I sat next to Lloyd quietly sipping some warm tea.

"Too late, he's already hypnotized you and now your under his control" Cole interjected "Or he's already put you in a squeeze" Zane added in.

"Or spit on you with his hallucinatory venom. Trust me, bad stuff..." Kai shook his head in distaste.

"Ah, uncle what's the best way to stun a Serpentine if you don't know what kind they are?" Lloyd asked his uncle who just sat down at the table with a box.

"Sadly, it was the sacred flute you four carelessly lost" Wu responded glancing at his students as he sat down for a cup of tea.

"Hey, no no, we didn't lose it, Pythor stole it!" Jay countered putting it out there for the record.

"Whatever the case, without it I fear we have nothing to combat their powers" the sensei replied taking a sip of his tea.

"Can't you tell what kind they are depending on the color of their scales?" I questioned "Then counteract their abilities."

"And how do we do that exactly? You haven't been in the fight like we have" Kai asked from Lloyd's side raising an eyebrow.

"If you see blue, red, orange, green or purple scales you'll know which one you're fighting since they belong to a specific tribe" I retorted neutrally since this is what I have been reading up on in my spare time.

Sensei Wu eased the tension by saying "Anyways we may have prevented the snakes from uniting in the past, but they will try again and one day they will be stronger."

"Don't worry sensei, I've almost reached my full potential and when I become the green ninja we're not gonna need any magic flute" Cole announced smiling widely with confidence.

"You're gonna be the green ninja? Haha! Don't make me laugh" Kai interjected with a stern tone.

"I thought it was decided that I was destined to be the green ninja" Zane added in as the four shot eachother glares.

"Oh! The only thing decided about you Zane is you're weird" Jay countered laughing at the white ninja.

The ninja's arguments started to fill the room that once was peaceful. I tilted my head looking around at them.

Lloyd grew disinterred in the conversation getting up to go check out what his uncle ordered in the mail.

"What's in the box?" Lloyd asked looking inside smiling in excitement.

"I have your new uniforms" Sensei Wu stated distracting the ninja from their argument. They gasped in delight running over and grabbed their respected uniforms.

"Woah! These have armor" Jay shouted in delight "I love the gold highlights" Kai awed as he looked at his new suit.

"Battle claws!" Cole exclaimed excitedly opening up his package.

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