Ed & Edna

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I dove down and landed in the junkyard of Ed and Edna's place. I glanced up as Jay sent lighting at some snakes, destroying them.

"Mom, dad! Are you guys ok!?" He said and turned to Ed and Edna. "Oh well, I'm now very late for my quilting circle..." Mum said, I noticed some snakes walking towards us and I looked.

I opened my mouth as lightning shot out my mouth, shocking the snakes and destroying them.

"Woah, woah! Hey!" My father said and I quickly looked over, seeing some snakes trying to shake him off the fork lift. I ran over quickly and caught him, I gently set him down on his feet.

"Ah...Asteria, what's going on? These fellas came out of nowhere and started grabbing things" Ed said "Yeah...it's what they do. But, don't worry...Jay and I will get you guys out on his ride" I said and looked at where Jay vehicle was...It was destroyed.

"Ughh...really?" Jay said. I noticed more snakes and growled, I heard a yell and looked.

Jay tackled a snake inside a car and another snake from above pushed a car down, blocking the way out. "Jay!" I yelled and ran over, starting to move the car out of the way. I heard Edna's scream and looked, seeing the snakes taking her with the crane vehicle.

"Edna!" Ed yelled, I looked back and forth, panicking.

My wings opened and I took off after them.


I've been following after them for quite a while as I felt overly exhausted. I saw the others and flew over "Guys! They have Edna!"

Nya's eyes widened "What?! That's why you guys left? Where's Jay?"

"I don't know, I left him and Ed at their place." I replied and frowned.

"We have to worry about that later. There's still a chance to get to the Time Blade first. Split up!" Lloyd shouted and we went separate ways as I flew next to Nya and Zane.

"Incoming!" She shouted and a snake samurai rammed its vehicle into Nya's motorcycle making it roll. I saw the large truck heading straight for Nya and Zane. I dove down and took them both in my arms as I landed on the ground and lookdd at the truck.

"Oh Nya, so nice to see you dearie!" Edna called. "Let's go." I said and set the two down as I flew towards the time blade but both of them and the others ran. "I guess their vehicles got destroyed..." I thought.

The snake samurais got a hold of the Time Blade and shot the power of it at us. I shot a fireball at it from my mouth and it got destroyed. "Yes we still have a chance! Move, move, move!" Lloyd shouted and they ran towards the Time Blade until the other snake samurai used the Time Blade to slow them down.

My eyes widened and I flew in front of the six, landing on my feet. One of the samurais hissed "Get rid of the girl. Then deal with the rest."

The snake samurais started to run at me, I flew up out of the way and hissed. The slow motion stopped on the others and they started to fight the snake samurais.

I heard a noise and looked "Jay! Ed!" I shouted seeing them on a motorcycle.

The two snakes dropped the timeblade and a forcefield slowly formed around us. My eyes widened as Jay swerved his bike and drove out of the forcefield, crashing into a huge rock wall, both him and Ed landing harsh on the ground.

I slowly flew out of the form field and flew over to them both. I landed on the ground and walked to Ed and helped him up "Dad, stay here with Asteria!" Jay said as he got back on his bike. "Wait- what're you doing?" Ed asked, Jay spoke "It's like you said, never give up!" He said. "Yeah, that's before I saw everyone's speed going as fast as a snail.." Ed said, Jay smirked "Which is why we modified the bikes! Asteria, use your electricity!" He told me.

I nod and opened my mouth, lighting shooting out my mouth and it hit Jay's bike, the speed powering up. I closed my mouth and stayed next to Ed as I watched Jay drive off at a fast speed in the slowed time forcefield, he swerved around as he drove up a rock ramp and grabbed Edna.

The slow motion time stopped "Nice going, Jay!" Cole said and Jay drove off quickly while saying "Sorry I left before, can't stop! Please help my dad and get the blade! See you back at the temple!" He yelled while driving off with Edna.

I chuckled softly and helped Ed get on my back carefully. I noticed the others running and the snakes started to drive the huge vehicle. I growled softly and blasted fire out my mouth as it hit the vehicle. I flew off to everyone while keeping Ed on my back "Lloyd! Use the timeblade on the snakes so they don't catch up!" I told him. "Good thinking!" He said and shot a blast of timeblade energy at the snakes, all of them slowing down.

"Nice one!" Cole said and I flew to the rest of the broken vehicles, the others soon getting to me and Ed as I set him down. "Will that last long enough for these to get to the shop?" Ed asked as he got down "Probably not.." I said. Zane walked over to the jet and scanned it "The only damage to the jet is the port wing, which I can stabilize" he said. "Alright, everybody else in!" Lloyd said and we all got inside the jet.

Nya leaned against me and sighed, I gently smiled as my right wing wrapped around her and I leaned my head against her.

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