Recharging The Battery

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I swam through the sea in my Dragon form as I held the ship that everyone was inside of.

I could hear the others talk inside.

"Well, bad news. I can't fix it. The battery is shot" Nya sighed. Pixal hummed "We must find a way to recharge it."

I moved my head down to the glass windows and looked at them. "Why don't I try? I could use my electricity on it."

Pixal spoke "The subs battery is a high capacity carbon-ion battery. Linking you with it would be very dangerous."

Zane approached the glass, looking at me "Pixal is right. I was briefly attached to a similar contraption and it nearly proved fatal."

I hummed "Any other way we can recharge it?"

"We need a large supply of energy." Pixal said. Maya chimed in "What about the power source we've been tracking? How far away is that?"

"Approximately 260 yards southeast of our position" Pixal said. "That's because of Asteria carrying the ship, right?" Cole asked and Pixal nods.

"And Maya is correct in theory." Zane said. "If we can locate the energy source, we should be able to tap into it with a portable battery, bring the unit back and recharge the sub."

I saw a ledge close and carefully set the ship there, I sat next to the ship as I sighed. "Asteria, what's wrong?" Nya asked me.

I looked "I'm sorry..My arms are feeling tired and sore from carrying the ship."

Lloyd frowned "It's okay Asteria. We just need to find a different way to the energy source." He turned to Pixal "How do we get there?"

"We have the APS suits" Pixal said. "What's an APS suit?" Nya asked. I transformed human and teleported back inside, standing next to Pixal. My whole body was dripping wet.

I gave her a look, she smirked.


The doors opened and we walked in the room.

"Woah...I'll take this one." Nya said and jumped in one of the APS suits. "We intended to build one for each of us but ran out of time." Pixal said.

Cole looked at her "We?"

I spoke up "I helped her with it. I didn't do much though.." I sighed. Pixal looked "No, you were a great help. I appreciate it Asteria."

Maya spoke "I'll take the other." She got in the other APS suit. Nya sighed "Mom, I really don't need any-"

"Yes you do." Maya interrupted. "I was the Master of Water before you Nya, and I still know a thing or two. If something goes wrong out there, I can help."

I spoke "She's right Nya. None of our powers will be good help out there."

"What about you? You can breathe underwater and control water" Nya said. I shook my head "Not as good as you. This is a mission for you and your mother."

Pixal spoke "You'll need this. And I've keyed the suit's tracker to the energy signal. It should guide you straight there." She threw the tracker to Nya and she caught it.

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