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"Asteria...Why does this huge, angry monster know you?" Sora asked. Nya shook her head, "This monster is Cole. Well, sounds like Cole. Doesn't look like Cole."

Sora's eyes widened, "Cole, Cole? As in the missing earth ninja? Hero of Shintaro?"

"Shintaro?" The golem asked and glowed, the rocks falling to the ground and Cole jumped over them. I turned human and ran to the earth ninja, hugging him tight while picking him up "It really is you!"

Cole laughed as he returned the hug. I set him down and he faced Sora, "Wow, someone's done her homework on me."

Sora chuckled, "My best friend's a super fan. He even got a Zane haircut once."

"...Please tell me your kidding."

"I wish I was."

I walked to Nadine as I helped her over, checking her shoulder. Sora looked at Cole, "But, you never said you turned into a giant rock monster."

Cole rubbed the back of his head "Yeah well, that part's new."

"I wasn't sure we'd ever see you again" Nya exclaimed worriedly. "Did you find everyone else?" The earth ninja asked. Nya shook her head "Not yet. Pixal and Master Wu are still missing..."

I nod "Along with Jay." I frowned. I sighed "But hey, we got new teammates." I looked to Riyu as he walked to Cole. Nya smiled "This little guy is Riyu."

Sora shook Cole's hand, "I'm Sora. New ninja in training."

"Wow, I missed a lot" Cole said, "You don't get a ton of news here in the land of lost things."

I raised an eyebrow "You woke up here?"

He nods, "Yeah. I had no clue where I was. The Finders took me in."

"The Finders?" Sora asked. "He means us" a kid said and three kids stood in front of us. "I'm Fritz."

"Spitz here!"

"You lose it, we find it. Hence, the Finders!"

"Woah" Nadine gasped and looked at Spitz, "You're just like me..."

A geyser went off. "And that's our cue to leave." Cole said, I turned to him "It's only a geyser..."

"That's not what I'm worried about." The earth ninja replied and we heard loud footsteps. We turned to see a large, merged robot of some sort.

"It's the Hoarder!"

It grabbed a broken down car and threw it towards us. My eyes widened and I ran in front of everyone, turning into my 18 foot Dragon as it hit it away with my claw.

"Everyone on!" I yell and kneel down, everyone getting on my back and I dashed off as the Horder followed. It continued to throw stuff.

"I thought lost things just meant socks and keys!" Nya yelled. "Sometimes people loose cars!" Cole exclaimed. "Any idea how all this lost stuff ends up here?" Sora asked.

"No clue! The only thing it all must have in common is that no one remembers it." Cole explained. "What about the Hoarder?" I ask. "Beats me! Its been here as long as I have! Asteria, head for the noodle cup!"

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