The Black Cloud

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I took a deep breath "Nya...? I've wanted to ask you this for a, uh...Long time. Will you...Be my Yang?" I questioned as I was knelt to the ground and held the yin yang medallion out.

Kai shook his head "No, no, no. You can't ask like that."

I raised an eyebrow "Why not?"

"You have to ask with confidence. Like this." Kai said and made me stand and had me face him as he demonstrated his "flirting skills."

He did a wave of his hair and smirked "Hey Nya. How's it going? I've been thinking..." He grabbed my hand. "You and me...We make a pretty good pair" Kai let go and smirked "So what do you say we make it official? Will you be my Yang?" He asked as he took the Yin and Yang medallion from me and knelt down in front of me.

I took it and frowned "Uh, I don't know...It sounds too cocky. I think Jay would enjoy you proposing like that though."

"Huh- We're not even dating!"

"Not yet..."

Nadine giggled from watching the interaction.

"Who's cocky?" I heard Dareth say and I glanced over. "Nobody. Asteria's trying to find the right way to ask Nya to be her Yang" Kai explained and Dareth "Really? You and Nya? Wow..."

"Kai!" I scolded him as my face flushed a light red.

Kai winced "Right, sorry" he glanced at Dareth "It's supposed to be a secret so don't tell anyone."

"Dareth!" Nadine exclaimed excitedly and ran to Dareth hugging his leg. "Well hey there, kiddo" Dareth patted Nadine's head and smiled.

"The Yin Yang promise is a beautiful and sacred tradition Asteria. Congratulations. I'm so excited to be part of it! I...I am part of it right?" Dareth asked and I smiled "Yes Dareth."

Kai rolled his eyes "If she ever asks Nya."

"Ask me what?" I heard Nya inquired and I flinched as I glanced over and my eyes widened at the kimono she wore.

"Uhm..." I handed the medallion to Kai and approached Nya "Ask you where you got that shirt- because it's awesome. You look beautiful."

Nya giggled lightly "It's a kimono Asteria." She replied and Nadine giggled.

Dareth walked over "Oo, I would look so good in a kimono."

"Uh, so where's Master Wu?" Kai questioned his sister. "In the courtyard supervising the new mural" she said and smiled.

"Ooh, I wanna see!" Dareth said and ran out the room.


We all approached the mural as I held Nadine in my arms.

"Would ya look at that" Kai said amazed.

Wu spoke "It is the history of Ninjago, a history in which all of you played a significant role."

"Hey, that's us" I gestured to the mural and smiled at Nya. "And there's Pythor...And Morro."

Dareth scattered around the mural "Where am I? I must be in here somewhere right?" He questioned. "Oh uh, I'm sure you are" Nya said and he continued to look.

The WandererOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant