Dawn Of A New Era

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I jumped from tree to tree as I followed the others through the forest, a sinister smirk formed on my face. They followed the tire tracks leading to the beach.

"Um...is anyone else thinking about how this might be our final fight together?" Jay voiced hesitantly.

Zane looked down saddened "Yeah, of course..."

"It's all I've been thinking about" Cole admitted honestly. 

Kai reminisced adding in "We've come a long way, it wasn't that long ago when Sensei first found us."

Jay chuckled "Hey, remember that time Kai thought he was the Green Ninja?" He teased as Kai shot him a glare as the others burst into laughter.

"That was quite the memory" Zane chuckled.

"He was so not" Cole agreed shaking his head.

"I remember you guys were all shocked at Asteria because she looked like a boy" Lloyd chuckled to himself.

Nya chuckled to herself adding "I remember when Jay dressed up like a girl to figure out who was the Samurai-"

"Please don't talk about that" Jay retorted hushing Nya by covering her mouth before the others asked.

"Or what about when the Hypnobrai hypnotized Cole and we had to fight him?" Zane brought up the memory earning more laughter.

"We should've just kicked his butt" Kai added in.

Lloyd rolled his eyes "Ha, you had to destroy my tree house."

"Or how about the time Sensei Came out of the guts of the Devourer's belly..." They all collectively groaned "Drinking tea!" Zane added laughing.

"Ohohoho, that was so gross!" Cole exclaimed.

Amidst their laughter, they didn't seem to notice me jumping from tree to tree as the trees softly rustled.

"Yeah, I thought he was a goner" Jay stated earning a bonk on the head by Wu.

"Wrong again, Mr. Emptyhead" His sensei retorted chuckling to himself.

I stopped behind a tree up above as the group halted. They scanned the area cautiously. "Something is wrong here..." Cole whispered on guard.

"Where? Where?!" Jay exclaimed looking around frantically.

"Did I just see..?" Kai muttered.

"I sense a wicked presence..." Zane muttered as he tried honing in on the source.

I smirked as I started to softly hum. My humming being a melody, my tone hushed and sorrowful.

"Who's there?!" Cole shouted as his eyes darted around looking through the trees.

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