Starting From The Bottom

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"Finally, all fixed up and Serpentine free" Cole said as he, Jay and Zane helped put a sign post outside the subway back into place.

I swept the sidewalk and road cleaning up the last bit of the unknown green goo while Lloyd picked up litter and trash.

Thanks to Ninjago's citizens making a group effort the city is looking better than before the serpent's awakening.

Kai grumbled aloud "This is frustrating. Our weapons are gone, and most of all our elemental powers are gone. I mean, we can still do spinjitzu but...Argh!" He groaned attempting to summon power to weld the sign into place.

His fire power flickered unable to ignite a flame. I frowned.

Kai sighed "I just feel so, I don't know, limited. And thanks to the Devourer, our tanks out of commission, our Dragon's hurt, and now that the Bounty is destroyed, we don't even have a place to sleep."

Zane took off his welding mask "No one ever said being a hero is easy. Though our good deeds may never make us rich, they make us rich in other ways."

I noticed Lloyd looking down at his hands as he clutched the trash bag tightly. I took my phone out and opened to the Home Screen. I handed my phone to Lloyd to have him play some games.

He sat down on the sidewalk as he stared at the screen while I took his trash bag to throw away.

"Yeah, well I don't feel rich..." Kai replied looking down.

Jay knelt down picking up a broken tv. "I for one enjoy pitching in" he said as he brought it over to the trash can. Opening the lid allowing Jay to throw it in, I discarded Lloyd's trash bag.

"I've always wanted to feel part of a community. Speaking of which, anyone seen Nya? She said she was going to help" he asked, looking around for the girl in red.

"And I have" Nya replied and I looked seeing she was riding her motorcycle with Wu riding in a side car attachment drinking his tea. "I may have found us a place to live." She smiled holding up a card.

"Really? But there's a waiting list a mile long to live in Ninjago City. How did you do that?" Jay asked. Nya smiled as she handed over a business card.

"I know a guy, who knows a girl, and she knows this girl who knows a guy. Well, this guy knows a girl who's a real estate agent and she can help you find a place, if you catch my drift" Nya explained and I looked at the card that Jay held.

He glanced up at Nya "And where are you off to?" He asked her and Wu.

"We have to find a couple components to fix the ninja tank, and my dragon ointment has finally arrived" Wu explained. "It's a day trip, but once we get back, he'll be flying once again."

"Also, I love scenic drives." Wu added in pumping a fist into the air "Punch it Nya!"

"Ay, ay, Sensei" she smirked pulling down hard on the gas swerving out onto the road.

In the distance I could hear Wu shouting "Yeehaw!" As his voice bounced off the tall buildings as the two drew farther away.

"We're finding a new home?" Lloyd asked looking up from my phone as a smile slowly returned to his face. "Yes we are. Nothing to worry about" I replied and pet the top of his head reassuringly. Scout got between Lloyd and my hand, knocking Lloyd back.

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