Father's Day

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I just gotten back home after hanging with Jay, Ed and Edna. I took my shoes off as Nadine ran to the kitchen "Aah, I'm so excited!"

I chuckled and walked into the kitchen to prepare some food with my daughter.

I soon heard the doorbell go off and stopped what I was doing. I walked to the front door and opened it, Selma standing there with Junior standing next to her, holding her hand.

I raised an eyebrow as I saw her holding a lot of presents.

"I uh...Might've gone overboard with presents" she shrugged and I playfully rolled my eyes. "Here, let me help mom" I offered and took some presents from her as I led her to the kitchen to set the presents down.

I set the presents down and saw Nadine standing on a chair to get something. I gasped "Nadine!"

I ran over and picked her off the chair "Don't do that, you might fall."

Selma looked "Oh, who is this?" She walked over. I turned her "Well, this is Nadine. My daughter."

She gasped "Really? Oh she's so cute!" She smiled.


"Done!" Junior held up a wrapped up present except it was poorly wrapped. I snickered quietly "Good job, Junior."

I patted his head and smiled, Selma lightly chuckled. "Well if we're finished then let's-"

The doorbell suddenly rang. I washed my hands after touching some ham. "I don't think we called dad over yet..." I said. Selma shook her head "No."

I hummed "It might be the others. I think you two will be fine, just...I don't want them knowing you're my family yet."

Selma nods "I can understand why, dear...Go ahead then, we'll be in here."

"Okay then" I said and patted Junior's head as I walked out to the livingroom and to the front door, I opened it. Lloyd stood there.

I raised an eyebrow "Bean sprout? What are you doing here?" I asked and let him enter. He walked in as I closed the door.

"Well Uhm...The others are spending with their dads today so..." He said and I realized. "Oh I see. Well, why don't you spend some time here with me?" I smiled and gestured for him to follow.

I led him to the kitchen and he paused when he saw Selma and Junior. "Uh...Asteria, why are they here?" Lloyd asked.

"Oh, well uh...I'm helping them today with wrapping presents. Skales is coming over for food as well" I said and smiled. Lloyd nod and smiled "Well, I won't judge then. Besides, we should have peace with the Serpentine by now."

I smiled and nod "Yeah..."

"We should."


I put the food on the table with Lloyd. "Aah! Ow, ow, ow! Hot!"

I looked over, seeing he was holding his hand from touching the hot plate. "Are you okay bean sprout?" I asked and walked over. He winced as he showed his hand "Yeah, just...It hurts."

"Oh dear. Here, let me get something" Selma said and went to the freezer to get an ice pack to help soothe the burn on Lloyd's hand.

Selma walked over and handed it to Lloyd as he set it on his hand. She gently patted his head and smiled "Don't leave it on your hand too long, okay?"

He nods "Okay. Thank you, Selma."

The doorbell rang then. "Oh, that must be Skales" I said and walked out to the livingroom. Indie lifted her head and her tail wagged. I pet her and smiled as I walked to the front door and opened it.

Skales stood there and he smiled, he embraced me. "I'm so glad to see you, Asteria. How are things?" He asked.

I hugged back "Good. How are you?" I asked and we pulled away from eachother. "Good...A bit stressful from all this king of snakes stuff."

I lightly chuckled "Yeah. Well, come in. We prepared some food for you." I smiled and led dad inside and to the kitchen. He noticed Lloyd and gave me a look, knowing what was going on.

He slithered over to Lloyd and held out his hand "It's nice to see you, Lloyd."

"Oh uh..Nice to see you, Skales" Lloyd shook his hand and then pulled away as we all took a seat at the table.


"I should get back to the others...They're probably back at the Bounty by now." Lloyd said, I nod "Okay then. I'll be back later okay? Be safe, bean sprout."

I ruffled his hair. "Hey! Oh come on!" He laughed and I smirked softly. "Alright come on, get going before it gets late" I said. He rolled his eyes playfully "Okay okay, I got it mom."

I sighed and shook my head as he left. Selma lightly chuckled. Skales looked down at Nadine "And who is this? A Hypnobrai kid you're looking after?"

I turned to him "That's Nadine, my daughter."

He gasped as his eyes brightened "...Really?" He smiled and picked up Nadine. "I have a Grandchild!"

He hugged Nadine and she giggled, hugging back "I can call you Grandpa!"

He sighed "And now I feel old..."

I laughed and patted my father on the back "Don't worry Dad. You're not that old...Probably."

"Probably?" He raised an eyebrow, I snickered. "I'll show you old!" He grabbed me into a headlock and ruffled my black hair. I laughed.



We were on the couch, watching Skales open his father day presents. I snickered as he opened a present that was a mug.

He sighed and uttered a chuckle "Oh come here you four." He slithered over and embraced the four of us. I hugged back and smiled.

I felt so happy...After all these years, I get to spend time with not only my adoptive family, but my biological family. I don't care if my mother and younger brother aren't from my blood. I still love them along with my friends, daughter and wife.

"Happy Father's Day Dad."m


Author's Edit: Oct 28, 2023


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