New Friend

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We walked through the portal that led someplace else as I talked to Cole.

"So Zane is back in Ninjago City?" I asked. He sighed "Yeah. I hope he's doing all right. Anything could happen..."

I put a hand on his back "Don't worry. He's strong, he'll be okay."

I heard Nya speak to the others "Can we focus for a second on the reason we're here? To get one of the three keys we need to unlock the final arcade cabinet and get into Unagami's Temple?"

Kai nods "Right. What were they called again? The, the key things?"

"Keytana" I heard a voice and we all turned, seeing an older guy, possibly around his late 20s or early 30s.

"Oh. Hi." Nya greeted as her and the others made their digital masks go away, she stepped towards the man "Who are you?"

The man sighed "I am..Terrible. I was a guide. It was my duty to lead adventures such as yourselves through this land."

I stepped towards the man "It's not anymore? Why did you quit?"

He frowned "I have failed too many masters. To my endless shame.." We all were quiet until Nya spoke "Well we would be honored to have your help, humble Samurai."

Kai added "Yeah, because we really have no clue what we're doing. I mean like, none."

Cole reassured the man "Don't worry buddy, we've lost plenty of fights too. But you can't let it get you down right?"

I looked at the man and approached him, I held my hand out "I'm Asteria. What's your name?"

He went quiet until he glanced at me "I...Am Okino." He said and gently shook my hand. I released my grasp as I took my hand away.

Lloyd smiled "Nice to meet you Okino. I'm Lloyd. That's Cole, Kai, Nya and Jay."

Okino spoke "I am honored. Allow me humbly, to pledge my service" he knelt down in front of us all as he held his katana.

I raised an eyebrow "Huh? That's really not-" I started but Okino spoke "I, Okino, Samurai, pledge to serve you and do all in my power to protect you and guide you to the Keytana."

Lloyd and the others approached and he spoke "Thanks Okino, that's-" he started but Kai interrupted "Just out of curiosity, when you said you had failed all your previous masters, how many are we talking here?"

"Kai." Nya whispered, angry at her brother. "What? I can ask that can't I?" Kai huffed.

Okino sighed and pointed to the field. We all glanced over and there was about more than a few there.

I winced at the sight. "Okay so a few..." I lied and glanced at Okino "But this time will be different." I knelt down to Okino and put a hand on my chest "I put my trust in you, Okino."

His eyes widened and he nods "Of course." We both stood up.

"This way. Into the Forest of Discontent and then beyond, past the Cliffs of Hysteria and finally, the Maze of the red Dragon" Okino said and we all followed him.

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