Broken Bonds

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"Asteria, your stress levels are rising..." Pixal spoke snapping me out of my trance.

I blinked once looking at the android. "Oh is it?" I tilted my head as I ran a hand through my dreads. "It's nothing important Pixal" I reassured as I ran a hand across Iris's scales.

Pixal watched me gently pet the black pastel snake. I felt my shoulders relax as the small creature wrapped herself around my wrist.

"Would you like me to make a list of what snakes need?" Pixal inquired as she smiled at the sight.

I grabbed a pencil and paper from my bag and handed it over. "I would appreciate that a lot Pix" I smiled as she started putting together the list.

"Seems like you two have bonded again" Kai pointed out as Jay and him approached for a break.

I held up Iris as she wrapped around my wrist like a bracelet. "I guess so" I replied as the snake nuzzled her head against me sweetly.

"Doesn't that hurt?" Jay inquired as he stared at the black pastel snake around my arm.

"Not at all" I smiled as she released her grip. "Do you wanna hold her?"

Jay stiffened at my question as Kai nudged him. "Scared of a tiny snake?" He teased as Iris sat at their feet, waiting to be picked up.

"No I'm not. We just haven't had good track record with snakes" my brother replied crossing his arms.

"Suit yourself" Kai shrugged as he knelt down to pick up Iris. "I'd rather deal with this one than the Great Devourer" the fire ninja smirked as the black pastel snake wrapped around his hand.

"Not so tight" Kai mused as he held Iris gently.

Jay spoke up informing me "Nya and Cole are helping my mom get lunch together. It'll be done soon and hopefully it will be good" he trembled slightly at what Cole could accidentally do with his terrible cooking skills.

"Uh...Asteria?" Kai called out as Pixal, Jay and I looked over at him.

There Kai was tugging at Iris's coiled body as she had herself wrapped tightly around the fire ninja's neck. "Asteria your snake is choking me..." he breathed.

Jay winced at the sight, instinctively holding a hand over his neck.

"That's unfortunate" I uttered unconsciously.

Kai coughed aloud "What?!"

"Oh no, I'm sorry that just came out" I chuckled as I went over to help free the fire ninja.

"Warm hugs..." Sierra hummed as she instantly let go of the fire ninja's neck. I took the snake back in my arms as Kai gasped for breath.

"Doesn't...Feel warm..." He coughed and shook his head. "I'm gonna get back to work..." The fire ninja excused himself.

"Asteria I've been meaning to ask, is there something going on with Nya?" My brother inquired turning to me. "I feel like she's ignoring me.." he let out a worried sigh.

My face softened when I saw his dejected expression. "Have you talked to her? If there is a problem you two should work it out" I replied hoping that they have.

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