Grief Bringer

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"Truce meeting with Geckle is trap! Tricky Geckle trap!"

I sighed "Everyone, it's not a trap. The Geckles aren't the enemies." I tried to explain to the Munces in the throne room. Lloyd spoke "The Skull Sorcerer is your enemy, and the only chance we have to defeat him is to work together!"

The Munces stared and went back to arguing. I sighed and looked at Nya. "It's no use, they're not listening" she sighed. Murtessa approached us "You must make them listen."

Nya glared "Oh. It's you."

I lightly nudged Nya with my wing "Nya. Be nice."

She huffed angrily "She attacked me with a giant spiked club, Asteria. Remember?"

"Yes, I know." I sighed "But if you hold every little thing against a person, you won't make any friends at all." We all turned to Murtessa and Nya sighed. "Make them listen how?"

Murtessa started to explain. "Munce are proud. Strong. They respect only power." I heard water softly splashing and Nya seemed to notice, I quietly watched. She started to wave her hands and control the splashing water, making it into a large water bubble. She sent it at the table where a Munce was and he was slid off the table. All the Munce stopped and looked at us.

"All right, you Munce" Nya spoke and jumped to the table in the middle of the room. "Listen up! We are going to that truce meeting, and there will be peace! If I have to fight every last one of you! Is that clear?"

The Munce nodded, agreeing.

"Good. Now, let's get this show on the road!"


"Is it really necessary for them to carry us?" Nya asked as I was sitting next to her in the throne chair as four Munces were carrying us. Murt spoke "You are queens of the Munce. A very important position. Yes, it is necessary."

I put a hand on Nya's shoulder "Hey, don't worry. We're almost there."

We soon arrived and I saw Kai, Zane and my brother.

Both mine and Nya's eyes widen.





Nya and I ran to our brothers and took them in a hug. "You're safe...Oh, I'm so glad." I said and set Jay down as I caressed my little brother's face.

"Protect the Chancellor!"

"Protect the queens!"

The Munce and Geckle started to fight eachother as we backed away from eachother.

Kai got in the middle of it "Woah, woah. Easy guys, stand down!"

"Yeah, relax. It's okay!" Nya reassured the Munce.

"You know the Munce queens?" A Geckle asked Kai. He smiled "Yeah. That's my sister and her Yang. And they're not that ugly."

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