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I was sat on the Monastery porch, looking through my photo album. I sighed and looked up to see Arin, Sora and Nadine sitting on the large slide that Kai built.

"Kai, I don't think this counts as training..." Nadine mumbled. "Of course Kai's super awesome slide course counts as training. We're on a meditation carpet which means it's meditation."

I sigh and shake my head. I watched as they started to slide down and Kai used his fire to make them go faster. I saw Cole land on the ground from using a Earth Dragon.

My eyes widened when I saw Bailey jump in front of the slide, biting a chew toy. "Bailey!"

I dropped my album and dashed over, picking up Bailey as I jumped out the way. The other four crashed into Cole and I turned to look.

I walked to Cole and held my hand out, helping the earth ninja to his feet. He groaned, "Thanks Asteria."

I nod, "No problem" I reply and turn to the three. I glare at Kai, "And you." I growled. He stands with Arin, Sora and Nadine. "What?" Kai asked.

"Don't what me. You know it's dangerous for them to be on that slide of yours." I glare. "You almost hit Bailey, and you crashed into Cole. Be more responsible, Kai. One of those kids are my kids."

Kai shuddered as he gulped. Cole chimed in, "Asteria, hey, Nadine and the other two are okay." He smiled. "But, this isn't why I'm here. I need help. I learned a shipment of dangerous items was sent to Ninjago. Even Chronosteel."

Nadine raised an eyebrow "What's chronosteel?" She inquired. I explained, "It's a very rare metal that can hold elemental powers."

Sora gasped, "Woah. Wonder what I could make with that."

Kai chimed in "Once someone made blades out of chronosteel that almost ruined all space and time."

"I would try not to do that." Sora replied. "The real problem is I have no idea where in Ninjago the items were sent." Cole explained.

"I think I know where." Arin replied.


We arrived at a junkyard, walking towards Kreel. "You can't sell that stuff" Sora spoke. "What is this word can't sell?" Kreel raised an eyebrow, "I literally don't know what it means."

I chimed in "You've been posting ads about wild junk that are from all sorts of places. It's too dangerous to have it out like this."

Lobbo floated over and took a piece of chronosteel, "This would look swell on Lobbo's new end table, Lobbo, Lobbo."

"Uh, Lobbo, buddy, careful." Arin warned. "Nothing here could harm-" Kreel started, but Lobbo dropped the item and red sparks shot at him, making him enlarge in size and appear more threatening.

Sora turned to Kreel, "You were saying??"

My wings stretched and I sighed, "Okay, let's do this."


I was hit back as I crashed into a wooden crate, banging my head and I fell onto my stomach. I growled and prompted myself up by my elbow.

I noticed Sora grabbing chronosteel, "Sora, be careful! That's chronosteel!"

"I was hoping you'd say that" she replied and used her techno power to create four pairs of gears. I get up and walk over, "What are these?" I ask.

"Mechs for us. Sorry I didn't make you one." She smiled sheepishly. I shrug, "Don't need one."

She handed me the red gear which I assumed was for Kai. I shout to the fire ninja, "Kai! Catch!" I threw it and he caught it in his hand.

"A frisbee? Fun, but not the time." Kai tilted his head. "Toss it!" Sora exclaimed. He tossed it up as it transformed into a mech and he climbed in. "Woah, I can channel my elemental power in this!"

Sora and Cole used their mech frisbees and climbed in. "Nadine, this one's for you!" I shout to my daughter and threw the frisbee.

She turned and was hit in the forehead, "Ow!" She fell onto her back. I winced, "Sorry!"

Nya's gonna kill me.

I ran to Arin's aid to keep him safe from Lobbo as Cole and Kai held Lobbo in place. I watched as Sora used her elemental power to make her mech's right arm into a energy draining cannon.

She pointed it at Lobbo and drained the energy from him. He was set down and I walked over with Arin, Lobbo back to normal. "What happened here? Oh well. Clearly nothing to do with Lobbo."

Cole, Kai, Sora and Nadine jumped out of their mechs as they shrunk. "Good work. Now we-" Arin started, but paused as Kreel was trying to sneak off "Hey! Where do you think you're going?"

Kreel stopped in her tracks, "Me? I just thought, wow the ninja are right. This stuff's way too dangerous to sell on my property where all my stuff can get smashed. Better to sell it somewhere else."


I pulled the cart away, "We are storing these items somewhere more safe than here." I glared down at her.

As we started to walk away, Kai spoke "Hey, I wonder if any of it could be used to build Kai's even awesomer slide course."

We turned, glaring at the fire ninja. He held his hands up, "Kidding, just kidding. Sorta."

I sighed and walked away, pulling the cart along.



Asteria when Kai puts the kids in danger:

Asteria when Kai puts the kids in danger:

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