Uncontrollable Water

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There were some thugs near a village so Kai, Jay, Lloyd and I had dressed as regular folk to disguise ourselves and listen.

"Why'd they wanna meet way out here anyway? We're in the middle of nowhere!"

"Probably so those nosy-ninja don't find us."

Lloyd smirked "Too late for that" he said as we took the cloaks off us, revealing our ninja clothes. The girl, Miss Demeanor gasped "Oh, wow! I've been waiting for this!"

I raised an eyebrow.

"I've worked so hard to make it to the top. And it's actually happening. Oh, wait, wait, wait. I had a line for this" Demeanor said.

"Oh yeah. I've got a warm welcome planned!"

She used the flamethrowers on her wrists and we dodged. Demeanor spoke to the thugs "Get the trucks out of here. You four, distract the ninja!"

As we fought the thugs, my brother asked "I don't get it. Why do we fight common thugs so often?"

I shrugged and saw Demeanor get on top of a truck.

"So long!" She smirked and used her flamethrowers as the truck drove off.

I growled and hit the thug I fought on his neck nerve. I went to go after Demeanor but Cole arrived and destroyed two trucks with his bike, Demeanor was getting away though.

I ran to Cole as he stood on the ground "You okay?" I asked. He nods "Yeah..But look" he pointed to the ground.

"...Vengestone?" I raised an eyebrow. "Why are they gathering vengestone...?" I wondered aloud.

Cole shrugged "Don't know, but let's catch up with the others!" He dashed off and I followed. I saw Nya summon a water vortex and it went towards the truck but swerved to the side.

"Nya, hit the truck!" Lloyd shouted.

"I'm trying. It's not obeying!" Nya shouted and the vortex came right towards her. Zane got her out of the way quickly and Demeanor got away.

"They're getting away!" Jay said, I looked over "We have bigger problems, brother."

I pointed to the water vortex as Zane tried to freeze it  but it broke through. It started to go towards the village.

My eyes widened. "What do we do?" Cole panicked. I transformed to my Dragon form and stood in front of the vortex as it tried to get through me by pushing against my side.

I growled and stood my ground as the others evacuated the village, the water vortex dropped down to the ground and splashed into the village. Thankfully everyone was safe and I sighed, turning back human.


"What was in the trucks?" Wu asked and I held a brick of vengestone out.


Lloyd spoke "A huge shipment. Three trucks worth."

Wu hummed "Very peculiar. Vengestone has few practical uses. Why would anyone be smuggling vengestone?"

"We don't know" Lloyd replied. "The criminal called herself Miss Demeanor but she got away before we could ask her."

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