The Palace

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It's been a year since Master Wu was stuck in time with Krux and Acronix, I've...changed a bit. I've grown to six three since then and I decided to cut my hair with my dad's help. It was near my shoulders now.

I was currently in the Serpentine tomb, the others still didn't know I was a Serpentine, nor do they know who my family is. I had decided on rejoining the team again too.

Today was my birthday as well, I'm finally 21. I saw my father smiling at me. "Hm? What?" I asked. "I remember the first time I gave you that necklace I lost you. And now here we are, spending time together on your birthday." He told me and I smiled.

"Heh. Yeah...But uh, I got a question." I told Skales.

"Hm? What is it?" He asked and I fidgeted nervously with my hands. "Are you sure I'm a Serpentine...? I mean...I'm half dragon, and I look like...this." I gestured to myself.

"Oh, well..." Skales thought about it. "It's because of your Dragon powers. I've heard of no Dragon turning into a human're still my daughter, Asteria." My dad said, I couldn't help but feel a bit suspicious of that.

My phone vibrated then.

I took my phone out and looked "Ah- I need to meet up with my friends. I'll make sure to send you letters" I told my dad and smiled as I stood up. "Alright, don't get into trouble" Skales said, I chuckled slightly "I won't, love you dad" I said and left the tomb, setting the cup down.


I soon arrived at the Borg industries, at the top floor and walked in the collection room. The others turned to me and Kai spoke "Hey, there's the birthday girl!" He said and came over, getting me in a headlock and rubbing my head. "Ah- oh, shut it!" I said and laughed. The others softly laughed. Kai let go of me and I stood up straight.

I then saw Lloyd.

"Oh would you look at the growing bean sprout" I smirked and approached as I ruffled his blonde hair.

"Aah! Asteria!" He exclaimed and I lightly chuckled as I let go.

I noticed Nya and my face warmed up slightly, her hair was in a ponytail as it had grown. "God, I love her even more." I thought and walked to her side.

"Ok, since everyone's here..I called you here because of this." Lloyd said and showed an I-pad, a marking that looked like Lord Garmadon. "Your father?" I asked in shock, was he back?

"After poking around, I've learned it's the symbol to-" Lloyd started to explain but Zane spoke up "The Sons of Garmadon. A mysterious criminal syndicate growing in prominence in Ninjago City" he explained and I quietly listened.

"Seventy-two hours ago, they stole a powerful relic from Cyrus Borg, some mask-" Lloyd started to explain but someone chimed in "Not some mask."

We all turned to the voice, an older man there. "The Oni Mask. There are only three in existence" he said.

Jay raised an eyebrow "Only three? But didn't you said only?"

Kai rolled his eyes and wacked Jay on the head "Oni, not only."

"The Oni are said to be all-powerful beings. Demon that predate Ninjago" Zane explained.

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