Wrong Time

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We peered up over the monastery wall watching Past Nya and Kai work out on the training equipment. Nya didn't protest as she worked hard mastering the equipment and perfecting her fighting skills. As for her brother, there was not a spark of motivation in the blacksmith.

"You must harness the fire deep within you" Past Sensei Wu said to the future fire ninja as he got whacked in the face by the punching bag.

The Kai of the past got up from the ground dusting himself off. "Yeah, yeah, yeah" he uttered rolling his eyes brushing off his supposed Sensei.

Kai looked down at this version of himself groaning "Oh, I'm worthless."

"It's like you don't even want to be a ninja" Jay pointed out.

"Look, I told you: the only reason I became a ninja was to rescue my sister" Kai reexplained to us.

"If Kai doesn't learn to be a ninja, our future will be destroyed" Zane added in as a reminder.

"Even when Garmadon does something good, it's always evil." Cole groaned "Sensei ain't cutting the mustard, guess it's up to us to get things back on track."

"I thought you said not to get involved" Jay retorted "Change anything, change everything."

"That was before Garmadon altered the past and changed the future. Now we gotta clean up the mess." Cole finished.

"Cole is right, the only way to save our future is for Kai to find his fire" Zane stated.

"Let's kidnap her." I broke my silence proposing a plan.

"What?!" Jay exclaimed.

I started to explain "If she gets kidnapped wouldn't that give your past self the drive to become a ninja?"

"Yeah?" Kai nodded prodding me to continue.

"Then we kidnap her and deliver her to the skeletons, fill the holes of events that didn't happen to set course of time right" I finished.

"I was thinking the same thing." Zane told me.

"We can't do that!" Jay disagreed not wanting to put Nya in harm's way.

"If that's what it takes..." Kai sighed giving into the plan seeing as there is no other option.

"But if it's alright with you guys. I've got an idea on how I could talk some sense into myself" Kai finished.

We started to go over the plan thoroughly. Kai even took the time to tell us the events that did happen as well as adding another detail.

"Wait Garmadon had an accomplice?" Cole raised an eyebrow at Kai "Why don't we see them together in the present?"

"I don't know" Kai shook his head "But we should be on the lookout because Garmadon might order them to hurt us or my past self."

"We'll keep an eye out for them but in the meantime we should get ready for tonight" Zane replied as we nodded in agreement.

Turning to climb down the wall Jay slipped on a loose shingle. Gasping he tried keeping himself steady but accidentally pushed me over the wall.

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