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I walked in Wu's room with Lloyd, he had sent us to find many scrolls for him on something called coalescence.

Lloyd and I approached Wu and he spoke while he faced his table "No, that can't be right. It's been centuries. Oh, I don't understand."

"We'll just...Leave these here. Cool?" Lloyd said and set the scrolls on the desk, I did as well. Wu didn't reply. "Okay. Good talk" Lloyd said awkwardly. We started to walk away.

"Lloyd. Asteria." Wu said, we both turned to him. He looked at Lloyd "My student. My nephew. I hope you do a better job than I have when you become master of this monastery. Remember, family is key."

"Huh?" Lloyd asked. "You've been here for almost a thousand years. I could never..."

There was a sudden rumble, my eyes widened "What the?" I wondered aloud. "It's happening...I don't know how, but it's happening." Wu said.

We ran outside to the courtyard to see what was going on, the others already there. "What's going on here?" Lloyd asked.

I looked up and saw a realm open up into the sky. "Jay, get your mech! The rest of us will take the Bounty!" Lloyd said. "You got it!" My brother ran to get his mech as we got on the Bounty, all of us going into the strange realm.

I saw something from afar. "Lloyd!" I yelled and pointed, a kid in the sky as he was falling. Lloyd quickly grabbed the rope and swung around, grabbing the kid and swung back.

I walked over "We should get him back" I said and Lloyd nods "Right." He helped the kid stand as the Bounty was lowered onto the ground, I helped the kid off and waved bye as the Bounty took off again.

As we were about to enter back to our realm, the powerful source from it made me go off of the Bounty.

"Asteria!" The others yelled and I lost sight of them.


"Uhg..." I groaned and felt my head, I looked down at myself, seeing I was in my Dragonoid form. I looked around, not recognizing this place at all.

I felt something wrap around my legs and wings. I looked in shock, restraints on me. I roared "Hey, what gives?!"

I heard a chuckle and looked, a man approaching me "Well, you sure are a surprise...You're quite a strange looking Source Dragon...But you'll do just fine."

My eyes widened "Source Dragon?" I thought.


"The capture was successful?" I heard outside the cage I was in. "Of course! Transfer will begin first thing in the morning."

"Your overconfidence is a weakness, Rapton. These creatures are dangerous...Especially ones from another realm."

"Trust me, they aren't going anywhere. Don't worry, Lord Ras."

"Do not disappoint me."

I heard footsteps getting closer "These two in here?" The guy looked in the cage and smirked "They're not going nowhere, ain't ya?"

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