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We had gotten to where the others were held at, I noticed the other three were being taken to an arena.

"Their being taken to an arena. It doesn't look like a show they're gonna see, though." Cole said "Then we have to go in there and break them out. Come on!" Wu said and jumped down the hill but I caught him at the back of his hoodie.

"Woah, woah, woah! What do you think you're doing?! If we go barging in, we'll get caught!" I said and set Wu next to Cole and I. I looked around the area and saw something to use as a disguise from afar "...Disguises..we could use those and then get the others out." I told Wu but saw him run off to the disguises. "Wu!" Cole exclaimed and followed after him.


We quietly got to the clothes and got into disguise, I looked down at myself as my clothing was torn, I had black paint on my face as well. I made my tail, wings, and horns go away, we went inside the arena.

"Look, there they are!" Wu said and pointed out at the arena. "Yeah, but we're in the cheap seats. We need to get closer-" Cole said and bumped into someone.

I stepped back as I kept Wu behind us. The guy turned to the three of us "Huh? I don't recognize you." He said. "..And I don't recognize you." Cole told him "Hah! Everyone knows I am Skaar the Skullbreaker! Now, who're you?" The guy said.

"Uh...my name's Rocky Dangerbuff. And this is my son...Dangerbuff Jr." Cole explained. "I'm Death Grip" I introduced myself.

"Hm, never heard of that...welcome to the camp!" Skullbreaker said "Heh..yeah..well, best be going now. Bye!" Cole said and took Wu's hand as we walked off to get closer to the others. "Ok, uh...let's see..." Cole muttered and looked around, we squeezed between people and got to the edge.

I noticed Zane, Jay and Kai behind a rock nearby. "Zane!" I called and waved, he noticed "Asteria! Master Wu, Cole. You're here." He said. "We've come to help." I told Zane "Then you should leave" he said.

"Wait, what? We came to save you, not leave you guys behind." Cole told him "Master Wu is a descendant of the First Spinjitzu Master, he's part Oni. His presence is only making things worse" Zane said, I frowned.

I looked around and saw a chain "Guys. Follow." I told them and walked off "Ok!" Wu said and followed after me with Cole. I came to a lever and looked at Wu "Can you pull this lever to drop the chain?" I asked, Wu nods and he grabbed the lever and pulled it, some chains falling.

"Ok, that should help them...let's go so the dragon doesn't freak out from the Oni blood." I told Wu and Cole as we left.


We were hidden behind a vehicle, listening to the leader talking to the others. "Where are you taking us?" Kai asked as I heard him groan in anger. "Don't you know? Power attracts power. We're hunting Dragons!" The leader said and laughed as he walked away. "...." I went quiet.

Me, Wu and Cole exited behind the vehicle and the others saw us, I gently waved. "Come on." I whispered and walked off as they followed. "What about the others?" Wu asked "We have to act as if we're in this camp...we can't be suspicious." I told Wu and I got on one of the vehicles, helping Wu and Cole up.

"You three are new, correct?" I heard and looked, seeing a guy with no lower half as it was prosthetic spider legs.

"Uh...yes?" I said, "Hm. I don't wanna hunt with you two...newbies cannot shoot a hole in ground." The guy said. "Then stay at home, tinsel toes, cause the boss says they need all the hands he can get. And legs." Wu said, the guy made a shock face but walked off.

I looked at Wu and ruffled his head. "Onto the hunt!" The lead said and we all drove off.


It was during the night, me, Wu and Cole were sitting at the campfire with the tribe. Cole decided to start a conversation "That's quite a sword you got there. Crazy how they repelled those powers."

"Oh, yeah. Carved from Dragonbone. From a piece of the FirstBourne" one of the guys said.

"FirstBourne?" Wu asked "FirstBourne is the mother of all Dragons. The most powerful in this Realm, no ones ever seen it entirely, but it is said to possess every element of her beloved spawn. The one prize that's always eluded Iron Baron" one of the females said.

"Tell them, Jet-jack!" Some of the tribe said, I silently listened.

"Iron Baron's been searching for her nest all his life. Said she protects there the Dragon Armor" Jet-jack said "Dragon Armor?" Wu asked. "Worn by the first Spinjitzu Master! Whoever controls the armor, controls FirstBourne. And he who controls FirstBourne, can protect us from the Oni" Chewtoy said and they all cheered.

There was a sudden roar, I glanced up.

"Dragon!!" Everyone yelled and took off to get their weapons ready "Wu, come on!" Cole said and ran to one of the vehicles as I got on with the two, I positioned myself as I grabbed the handles. I shot the chain at the small tower Kai, Jay, Zane and Cole were at and it broke. "Yes! Got it! Let's get to them quickly!" I told the two.

"Ok!" Wu said and jumped off, I jumped off and went to fly but forgot my dragon features were hidden. My eyes widened and I fell face first in the ground, I groaned. "Asteria!" Cole gasped and dashed over.

"I'm fine, don't worry- let's get to the others." I told him and we ran off to get the others.

A couple of the tribe people ran past us, I stopped to not bump into them, when I looked in front of me again, Kai, Jay, Zane and Cole were chained up inside one of the vehicles again.

I cursed under my breath as we ran over and got on the vehicle from the side as someone drove the vehicle.

Everyone drove after the Wind Dragon "Can't we help get the dragon away?" Wu asked me. "We can't..not yet. The time will come." I told Wu as I put a hand on his shoulder, the Wind Dragon being trapped in chains as it crashed on the ground. I frowned sadly.

"We will help you...I promise you that, my friend."


Author's Edit: Oct 15, 2023


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