The Royal Blacksmiths

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"Five, six, seven, eight" Lou counted before playing a cord on the piano going over the ropes with the four ninja once more.

"Bop till you drop" Kai sang while striking a pose.

"Shake it till you break it" my brother added while shaking his hips.

"Move it till you lose it" Zane sang with a determined look in his eyes.

"Spin until you win it" Cole finished and spun around.

"Stop! Stop! Ugh! If my ears weren't attached to my head, they'd be running away!" Lou interrupted commenting with distaste.

I watched their practice as I sat on the floor with Lou's guitar in my hand strumming along to the music that played on the gramophone next to me.

Lou paced around the ninja and provided some harsh criticism "Kai love the energy, hate the hair" he smacked Kai on the head with his cane.

"Jay you're giving a lot, but I need more" Lou told my brother and turned to Zane complimenting his style. "Zane you're like a machine, don't change anything."

"And Cole, try to act like you want to be here" Lou finished walking away.

"He's worse than Sensei Wu..." Jay whispered to the three.

I suppressed a snicker at the four's frustration just as Lou walked over. "Asteria I want to hear more energy in your notes. Pour your heart and soul into it" he encouraged dramatically holding his arms in the air.

I nodded slightly still trying to figure out how to do that. Taking a deep breath I tried reaching down within myself to uncork what needed to be poured from my heart. Lou smiled hearing the melody playing with content on his face as he left me alone to help the ninja who needed it more.

"Moving on let's take a look at the big show stopping climax. Cole we can't have history repeating itself" Lou looked over at his son as he said this.

"Dad it was the triple tiger sashay, I was seven" Cole retorted frowning.

"What's a triple tigers sashay?" Kai inquired looking at the earth ninja confused.

"Only the most difficult dance move ever created" the earth ninja explained with bitterness in his voice.

"It's true, many professionals tried but it's never been successfully completed" Lou added in.

"Yeah and my father thought a seven year old could, but I ended up falling on my face, humiliating myself, and letting my quartet down" Cole retorted explaining his point of view.

"If your going to win you have to go big!" Lou exclaimed and before leaving the room he added "Alright time for a break, take five" he shut the door behind himself as he departed.

I stood up from my stop leaning the guitar next to the wall listening to the conversation.

"Um I'm starting to see why Cole is so closed off" Jay started to say lightheartedly looking over to the earth ninja "It's because twinkletoes here couldn't deliver the goods."

"Is that why you ran away?" Jay added in a lower more sympathetic tone.

"Oh I could deliver the goods-" Cole retorted obviously getting upset at my brother's words. He stopped for a moment collecting himself. "Look I'll deal with my father, but let's stick with the plan. Just keep this charade up until we can get our hands on the trophy."

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