Pirates Versus Ninja

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Climbing up the side of the Bounty both Lloyd and I got on the Bounty. I sighed in relief as the Ultra Dragon caught Dareth.

"I called the Dragon!" He cheered from the fangs of the beauty.

Taking the opportunity I hopped down below and knocked two pirates down glaring at the rest.

"This boat isn't big enough for all of us" I growled as I unsheathed my two katanas.

"A pajama woman?" Captain Soto scratched his head before raising his sword in my direction.

The others revealed themselves as they used their spinjitzu to change back into their regular ninja suits.

"More pajama men?" Soto gasped looking at them confused.

"Where?! I can't see!" No eyed Pete shouted looking around.

"Ninja versus Pirates. Who will win?" Kai declared as the battle begun. Chaos broke out as each of us dealt with our own set of pirates.

I was fighting a small group of pirates until they had got me cornered.

I glared at them as sweat went down my forehead. "We cornered the pajama woman!" One said. I growled slightly and threw smoke bombs.

The pirates screamed and I knocked them out.

Once the others and I grouped back up in the fight Jay broke a nearby gumball machine. The gumballs rolled across the floor creating havoc for both us and the pirates making us slip and fall.

"Jay!" Cole yelled as we sat up. "At least it worked." I told Cole as the Ultra dragon flew up above the ship.

"Ninja! Go!" Lloyd shouted as he jumped from the giant dragon and swooping in kicking both Zane and Captain Soto out of the way.

Once Soto recovered he held his sword up high ready to strike Lloyd "Pirate! Go!"

Before he could Kai charged at him with swords slashing.

"Lloyd! You're not supposed to be here!" Kai shouted to Lloyd as he held Soto at his sword point. "Asteria! Why isn't he somewhere safe?!" He shouted at me turning around to put Lloyd into a barrel.

"He's safer with us!" I retorted as I jump kicked a pirate out of the way assisting Kai. "Let him help. Nothing will happen to him you have my word."

Lloyd stubbornly tilted the barrel over rolling across the deck sweeping Kai up as he balanced on top. This ended up flipping the lever releasing the anchor down below.

Kai fell off falling overboard but he grasped onto the anchor. Glancing over the ledge I saw the havoc in the streets below that Kai witnessed.

"Come here, you blurry little munchkin!" Soto shouted and I turned to what was happening. "Ninja! Go!" Lloyd shouted as he spun around eventually breaking the barrel. I watched a small green vortex twirl around before revealing the green boy.

"Woah! I did it! I did spinjitzu for the first time!" Lloyd exclaimed in joy throwing his hands in the air.

Before Soto could lay a hand on him I threw a knife and it pinned Soto's shirt to the pole.

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