The Encounter

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"Okay, you ready Morro?"

I stood in my house with Morro, holding my spell book. He nods, "Yes." He replied. I held my hand out, looking at my book and started to chant the exact words, blue aura surrounding my hand.

I looked up after finishing and lowered my hand, my eyes widening at the sight of Morro. "Well, did it work?"

I gestured to the wall mirror and he looked. He gasped, "Yes! I'm back!"

I finally figured out a way to turn Morro back into a human. After the Day of the Departed, I found the spell and wanted to work on it for Morro.

He embraced me tightly, "Asteria, thank you!" He exclaimed and I hugged back. "No problem, Morro."

My phone went off and I looked, seeing Lloyd had texted me about cleaning up the museum. "Ah, I forgot about that...I need to go. Be safe, Morro." I departed.

"I will. Thank you, Asteria."


"Nope, pretending this is the actual Samukai doesn't make cleaning up the museum anymore interesting. This is so lame! We're Ninja, not janitors!" Jay exclaimed as we all were helping Dr. Saunders with cleaning the museum.

"Come on Jay. We're all kind of responsible for the damage to the museum. After all, if we hadn't had that massive battle after the Day of the Departed this place would still be in one piece" Lloyd explained as I organized shelves and Lloyd left the storage room.

"Yeah and who's fault is that, Cole?" Jay shot a glare at Cole. I turned to my brother "Okay, stop blaming the poor guy. He already apologized many times brother."

The earth ninja sighed as he grabbed the handles of the wheelbarrow but his new hands activated making him drop the wheelbarrow.

"Eh, speaking of which...You're still not used to having your old, non-ghost hands back?" Jay inquired as he picked up a box.

"Uh, working on it" Cole said and I walked over to him helping pick up the stuff.

"How about you Asteria? How's the horns and tail feel?" He questioned. "Hm...Well they sure are new and I have to get used to them but overall, they feel great" I said and smiled as I walked out the room with Cole pushing the wheelbarrow.

"You ever thought of joining back on the team?" He asked. I frown at that, "I...I dunno." I shrugged.

I heard Nya grunt and glanced over "This is exhausting..." She sighed and leaned on the box she carried. "If I could go back in time I'd tell Dr. Saunders we were too busy to help" she said and I made a light chuckle.

Zane spoke "Nya, you may recall that the rest of us one time-traveled. It can have devastating effects and should not be used lightly. Certainly not to get out of labor."

"It's just an expression Zane" Nya said and walked to Kai. I set the box I carried down and stretched slightly.

"Guys! Look what I found!" Cole called and all of us walked over to Cole who stood in front of a huge painting. Jay approached closer to the painting "Uh, isn't that Garmadon?"

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